Does anyone like this design? I was thinking of making it, I haven't bothered deciding on tuning and cubes but just wanted too see if anyone thought it was a good idea?
what will that be tuned too... no one is commenting cause they prolly dont know wtf it is lol need more pics like of side and other views i can kinda make it out a lil
i can follow what u trying to do but that extended separator in the middle is not really serving much purpose portwise but can act as a addded support\brace i guess ....
Yes I know it is a very crude drawing. I haven't even thought about dimensions yet just wanted to know what people basically thought about placing subs in an angled box like that. After looking at it myself I believe that the top panel would cover the entire structure, rather than stop at the ports. I would like to tune it to 33 hz if I did build it. I would probably stick to the recommended 2.3 from the manufacturer of the speakers. Has anybody ever heard a box with similar design?