OK I've never reconed a sub before so I have a few questions.
First off I'm getting two of these subs (already have one thanks to sean) and at first I'll have 450 watts available to each. I heard that's about all they can take before it rips itself apart. Anyways later I'll have 1500 watts availalbe to each, I'll only give them 900 each though. I know they will most likely fail, I want that to happen. I wanna recone this sub really bad lol
I could recone this sub with DVCs right? It's SVC, but it has two additional holes in the basket, across from the terminals already in, for terminals so I'm assuming I could make it DVC? Would I need to buy terminals or do recone kits come with those? I wanted to recone this sub with a SSA ICON. A DICON would be badazz IMO. Any other suggestions on what to recone them with?
Thanks for the help guys.
PS When I say terminals I mean the place where you connect the + and - wire to the sub, not sure if terminal is the right word for that...
Alright thanks for the help Chad. Do you know if it's possible to recone a SVC to a DVC? And I want to recone these myself, for the experience, but Atomic would always be a good last option lol.