...I'm looking into building a non-inductive dummy load capable of 2500-3000w testing.
I have been looking at non-inductive resistor prices, and I think I can piece together a dummy load capable of testing 1, 2, and 4ohm at reasonably high power levels for an somewhat reasonable price.
I have access to most everything else I will need to REALLY test amps at known loads. Power supply will be something like a 3 Deka 9d31's and an 80A power supply. (46A for the time being, but will be upgraded)
I would like to test pretty much every amp that come through the shop and set up a data-base of actual tested power for each amp.
The big question is:
-Would anyone be willing to send their amps in to be tested for a small fee?
If possible, I would like to have this up and running by mid-summer.
set it up and test as many amps as you can and post results. If you do it I can send you some money when its up and running to help fund if you would like
I would most likely use 60hz (for accuracy sack w/ meters), but would also do ~40hz on some amps just to see if I get different #'s.
I may actually have this up and running by mid-spring. The resistors will be $300-$400 from what I am seeing. I'm just going to have to wire it all up myself. I may go w/ a bunch of 50-100w resistors, but if I can get em 200w resistors are not out of the question.
I have looked into this exact same thing before Canaan....... I didn't go through with it though, b/c in order to accurate test a 2500w-3000w amp, you would need a HUGE power supply, 300+ amps.