Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1513 Registered: Oct-07 | <object><param></param><param></param><embed></embed></object> |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1514 Registered: Oct-07 | |
Gold Member Username: Dakangofkrunk16Post Number: 1153 Registered: May-07 | Oh of course blame us the jews.. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1517 Registered: Oct-07 | not my words thts theirs this is is much much better says america did this 2 us... this is crazii |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan1315 MAG USA Post Number: 8676 Registered: Jul-06 | You can twist anything around to make it fit what you want if you try hard enough....thats all I'm going to say about this. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1518 Registered: Oct-07 | watch the second one its some good sh1t |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan1315 MAG USA Post Number: 8677 Registered: Jul-06 | I've seen most, if not all of those videos about the 9/11 conspiracies. |
Platinum Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA Post Number: 18619 Registered: Oct-05 | damn ima have to check out the second one when i get home. its over an hour long. lol. the first vid makes an interesting case. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1520 Registered: Oct-07 | yo the 2nd 1 has got me so believing this!!! their is no way a plane hit the pentagon they blew tht sh1t up wit a bomb. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1521 Registered: Oct-07 | every1 in america needs to watch the 2nd video starting at part 2... this is a huge cover up |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan1315 MAG USA Post Number: 8678 Registered: Jul-06 | Dwight, I live 30 minutes from DC. I have numerous people who work for the government in my family and as friends. My buddy's mom saw the plane hit the Pentagon. Anyone who is familiar with the Pentagon knows their is a white building to the south of it sitting on a hill, the plane flew over that building and she works at that building and she saw it hit. My other buddy's dad works at the Pentagon, luckily not on the side that got hit, and he said it wasn't a bomb but it was a plane. He's been to war and I'm pretty sure he would know if it was a bomb or plane. My dad also drove by the Pentagon after it happened and saw the plane debris. Believe what you want, I'm just letting you know the facts that I know from people who were there and not from people who are twisting the facts to make it fit with their story. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1522 Registered: Oct-07 | watch the video there is no way n hell tht a plane hit the pentagon to much stuff n the way and not to mention all the videos that would have shown the plan hitting the pentagon were taking by FBI members and have not been released and the twin towers were blown up demolition style man jus watch the video.. im not a gullable person it takes alot for me to believe sh1t and this has got me believing 100% the 2nd 1 tht is sheez im bout 2 make a whole seprate post about this |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sThe kids love my rhyme... Post Number: 4300 Registered: Feb-06 | stfu. gtfo. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1523 Registered: Oct-07 | oh reece stfu and watch the movie. pay attention to whats happening all around u bud |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1524 Registered: Oct-07 | this vid also tlks about the great depression and how america is ruled by international banking man u guys need to watch this i garauntee a change in your outlook on everything |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 6988 Registered: Jul-06 | Does it matter if the plane hit the Pentagon or not? The question is... who's idea was it and who "hired" the people to take hi-jack the planes. You can say Al Qaeda all you want or terrorists but anyone could have paid people to do that. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1525 Registered: Oct-07 | exactly rob watch the 2nd video it explains all... america and the government did this and its all over money WW1 ww2 vietnam and iraq war are all over money they are setups to gain money watch man trust me this might be the most life changing thing ive ever viewed. im |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam RD, Texas Post Number: 2277 Registered: Mar-07 | the only problem I have is how the towers went down, I'm a construction science major and have studied the video. I know how the towers were built. there is something wrong there. |
Gold Member Username: Mj23dynastyThey Love 2 Hate Me, Most Hated a... USA Post Number: 1529 Registered: Oct-07 | They explain all of tht n the 2nd video they used explosives 2 implod the building and the pillars or whatever they are called were cut diagonally they have video vootage of it. With engineers explaining it. |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam RD, Texas Post Number: 2279 Registered: Mar-07 | you do realize how old zeitgeit is right? |
Gold Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 1561 Registered: Mar-05 | Doesn't mean it's not relative. If you want to run to Canada or Mexico, you won't get far because soon we'll be a part of the North American Union. One huge country, no borders. |
Gold Member Username: ZacdavisBeloit, Wi Post Number: 1579 Registered: Dec-03 | check out my vids on youtube. try to watch the part one first and so on to keep in order. Have any of you heard of PNAC? Or do you any of you understand what NORAD? Have any of you read the manifesto drafted by this right wing neo- conservative think tank called PROJECT for a NEW AMERICAN CENTURY in 2000? It states, "if we're going to transform America into "tomorrows dominant force" it's going to be a long process...unless theres a (this is word for word) unless there is a "catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor". This is talked about in Part 5 of the Coincidences vids on youtube. Now that may sound pretty thin or even meaningless, but I'm only stating one little itty bitty tiny piece of the puzzle of how this all began. Watch all of the vids to fully understand why our government did this. Please, do not reply to my post unless you really have watched at least the first 10 parts of this series of vids in their entirety. Get all of the facts first, please. I've watched them all but a few of the last ones, like 16 and 17, 18, idr... I to thought hey "theres no way this could have been something our government had any part of" but after you watch all of it, and yes that includes watching some parts that are boring, even stupid bits of info that suggest nothing more than true coincidences, but it's these meaningless facts you sift through to put together your own conclusions. So please, if this topic interests you, set aside some time to watch these vids. I think its like part 3 or four that talks about the pentagon, I thought that vid was kinda weak, boring, and lacked any real evidence but again, even it had a few key pieces of information that add to the entirety of 9/11. One fact I found exceptionally interesting involved NORAD, who's was in charge of NORAD and the first time ever, and the exercise NORAD was in middle of when all of this went down. Vigilant Guardian P.N.A.C Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld What security firm covered the trade centers and more importantly who owned this company? What week long exercise was NORAD conducting on 9/11? Who is Larry Silverstein and what does he have to do with this? What is jet fuel?, how hot does it burn, when does steel melt? These are only a few questions and people you will know the answers to after watching this stuff. I'm sorry for the loss of life on 9/11, by no means am i condoning the actions of those involved...but I understand why they did it. After watching this stuff, remember, this is in the past, theres nothing we can do about what happened so try not to get upset. the only thing we can do is have peaceful rallies, vote, vote, and vote. Our leaders do as they please because they know we'll sit back and let them. In many third world countries if and when their leader does something they don't agree with they will actually physically take their leader out of office. Not that we should do this, but we need to recognize that the rest of the world holds not only our government but we the people accountable for the actions our country has taken in the past decade. Its sad that we're the most hated country in the world. I hope we can change this image fo the better with our next administration. Btw, I voted for Ron Paul. I think Obama would be great but he wants to spend even more money. WE ARE BROKE ALREADY, read That article is dated jan 06, as of then $800 billion we were financed by China for the war, since then we've been borrowing additional money from them at 7.29% interest. WE ARE BROKE. I love the Democrats but we cant afford to have them in office, we need to CUT spending. Ok this is way off topic, jus watch those stupid coincidences vids and let me know what you think AFTER you've watched them. |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sThe kids love my rhyme... Post Number: 4322 Registered: Feb-06 | they don't "explain" anything. what happend can't be "explained" at this point. those photoshopped pics you see of the side of the building are cute though. |
Gold Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 1579 Registered: Mar-05 | Guess that your opinion. |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sThe kids love my rhyme... Post Number: 4324 Registered: Feb-06 | it is my opinion, but what i'm saying is nothing can be solved by this and nothing can be learned from this? History is useless unless we learn from it. |
Gold Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 1806 Registered: Sep-07 | this country is gonna fall apart..whatever is happening it can not stay a secret is true the government controls us.i understand we have it alot better than other countrys but we are not free.we are controlled by the government completly they do put sheet in our heads.i wasnt around 50 years ago but i know life was a lot simpler back is just gonna get worse .everythang is sideways.ppl even get away with murder.what do you thank the government is doing behind our backs??they dont tell us everythang and they have a reason |
Silver Member Username: EvoixmrPost Number: 179 Registered: Aug-07 | I live by NORAD. some of the construction jobs I do are like 100 yards away from the building. Not to mention Peterson Air Base, Air Force Academy, and the Punkin Center are all 10 min. drives from my house. Kinda sucks cuz if a WWIII ever broke out, I'd probably be one of the first places to get nuked |