Having a problem with an ebay member so I had to get his contact info (name, address, phone... all that good stuff) and none of my friends knew it was possible so I figured this might come in handy to you guys too.
Click on advanced search, beside the main search bar. To the left hand side of the page click find contact info (or something of that nature). As long as you have the user name and item number of the thing you bought, you can get all their info.
Im calling him up tomorrow and figuring out why it has been 11 days and he hasnt shipped my package
When indo audio took 6+ months to ship a sub, I threatened with a ficticious lawyer and it got settled the next day. I may have to do the same to him. Hes in New Jersey... Oh Paul, wanna make a trip for me? haha
i hate those fuggers who do that on ebay...try to scam ppl for money, r take really long to ship out when they live in like the next state over. goodluck bro, hope u get it sooon.
Im going to do more than just leaving him feedback. I want what I paid for... Granted it isnt but $37 bucks but thats a lot right now. Im going to call him a little later in the day
Well I got up with the guy whos ebay account it was and he said his son and brother were selling the items on his account and that he is a traveling business man and hes in Texas so he is going to call them and get them to call me back within 20 mins. Lets see what happens
even more fishy. When I called him it was noisy wherever he was and he thought I was talking about a porche headlight and he said something to the effect of "I'm sorry the headlight hasnt gotten there. The post office wont work with me and I dont know where it is. When I get back in town I will boot up my computer and write you a check for it a mail it to you." I hope nothing bad comes out of this...
yeah I used paypal. He called me back and said his son wasnt home and he left a message but if I havent heard from him tomorrow afternoon, to call him again. He SEEMS like a good guy but so did the lady with insurance that is trying to fu(k me over with my wreck! we will see
well the plan was to get rd to build one.. i was going to get them to make one in december.. as he was taking a long time then... and now its february i'm just trying to get in contact with him to get my money back, or something.
doubt yall care, but I got a call from the guy saying it was shipped with 10 bucks in the box b/c I had to wait and he didnt want neative feedback. Got the conformation number and everything so hopefully I will have the headrest monitors in the frontier with a write up about how to install them mid week, next week.
hopefully it works out for u bro and u get what u paid for. so u gonna install 2 headrest monitors in ur car? u got an indash tv too? lol sorry for all the questions.
yeah. my girlfriend thinks Im stupid for putting them in since no one can sit in the back of my truck but I got a good deal on them and I just want people to drive by and be like "d/\mn, hes got headrest monitors." And yeah, I have the alpine indash and my rearview mirror has a 6.5" monitor in it. That isnt working now b/c when I got rear ended he busted the rearview cam and ripped the cord so it was only showing static, even when I tried to play a movie. That will all change w/ insurance money though