Too much sound deadening ? ....


Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13040
Registered: Jul-05
is there such a thing ?

was wondering instead of installing the normal 1 layer what would happen if some did 2 or possibly layers ???

i mean good quality brand name stuff not econo peel\seal......

Silver Member
Username: Ska


Post Number: 345
Registered: Jan-08
i wouldn't think so... the only bad thing would be the glue getting hot and the second layer melting away... I've thought about doing double layers too

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 5832
Registered: Feb-06
i've got double, in some places triple layers, and i've never had any problems with any of it falling. and it's the edead v1, and after 2 years or so. i've even deadened other peoples cars with multiple layers and no problems ever.

i'd say the only down side would be all the extra weight.

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 300
Registered: Jan-08
the more the better bro. it cant hurt.

Silver Member
Username: Stateprop486


Post Number: 302
Registered: Jan-08
the more the better bro. it cant hurt.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13043
Registered: Jul-05
well i was wondering if there is such a thing as 'making it too dead' where instead of gaining DBs u lose some because it affected a vehicle's acoustics too much ....if u understand what im getting at ......

Silver Member
Username: Ska


Post Number: 346
Registered: Jan-08
i don't think thats possible... DB cars use cement...

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13045
Registered: Jul-05
but thats totally different since thats a solid surface where as too much of this rubber based stuff can possibly dampen some of the sound waves ??? .....was an article on this online somewhere but i cant find it right now .......

Silver Member
Username: Ska


Post Number: 348
Registered: Jan-08
oh, well thats understandable...

I only mentioned the melting of the glue because here in AZ when it can get 140+ in your car, things with glue like Hush Matts and other things like that tend to slide if not on a good surface

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13046
Registered: Jul-05
aaaah i just finally found something useful i was looking for on a forum in my country i wont mind sharing

bit of local dialect which might be odd for u guy to understand ... ning

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13047
Registered: Jul-05
man just hear these guys using 3 layers of mat for inner & outer door panels + liquid deadening too ....

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac


Post Number: 3678
Registered: Sep-04
buy a good quality damplifier and you'll only need to do one layer. I have most of my car sound deadened, compared to how much it rattled before, its worth sound deadening your car.

Bronze Member
Username: Prostreetamx

Las Vegas, NV United States

Post Number: 18
Registered: May-07
I've done everything from the firewall to the rear deck area with a layer of ruberized film plus 1/2" thick rubber type foam over that. I am trying to cancel road noise as well as keeping the stereo sound inside. I am not putting my subs in the trunk but will be adding some dampner in that area to stop rattles. As long as you don't put in too much really soft interior trim, I doubt you can go overboard on sound deadning. I did my roof with 1/8" self adhesive deadner with 1/4" foil backed buble plastic insulation over it since the 1/2" stuff wouldn't fit under the head liner.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 7857
Registered: Jun-04
as far as losing db's with deadening I talked to a guy who did his car up for spl and he said when he deadened the one door or part of that door (I dont remember which) he lost some db but when he took it off he gained what he lost back... but how much he lost im not was just one door and he deadened the rest of the vehicle

Gold Member
Username: Tejcurrent

Post Number: 1059
Registered: Apr-07
You can lose dbs from deadening. It will sound so much better either way it's worth it, and many people gain.
The worst part about multiple layers is fitting panels back on- sometimes that 1/4" is too much and you have to trim things back, but other than that and the obvious weight it won't hurt anything.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 17995
Registered: Oct-05
the shop me and berny go to has a astrovan. now they have 16 12s in that car but couple of years ago, they had 2 re mt 18s on 16,000wrms. the wan was hitting 159.8 on the tl. they just couldn't get that little extra to make it 160+ db. so one day they ripped out the deadener from the roof and the sides of the van. after that they hit 160.2.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 7865
Registered: Jun-04
thats probably what it was like for the guy I talked to tenths of a db but its cool to hear your story to back mine up with more specifics Chad

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13049
Registered: Jul-05
i guess too much can depend on the vehicle too but to a daily driver u wont miss hearing 0.something of a DB

but i do agree with a quieter ride is worth it - ur music sounds soooo much deeper ,gives the illusion of ur box sounding like it went down a few HZ in tuning ....

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 17996
Registered: Oct-05
yeah rovin. deaden your car. how you hear is more important so do it jed.

Silver Member
Username: Somedonniedude

Illinois United States

Post Number: 904
Registered: May-07
I wonder is sound deadening our whole as opposed to having your front doors bare would be slightly similar to the effect of having a window cracked open as opposed to sealed up? I wonder if deadening your whole car would produce better numbers with the window down, and the mic near that window?

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 7878
Registered: Jun-04
oh yeah without a doubt less rattles and road noise makes listening to your music more enjoyable
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