I wanna know if anyone has done this before and how it worked out


i wanna know if anyone has done this before and how it works out. OK, i have a blazer a bunch of room in it . i bought a 1800 watt amp and i always liked my system in my house and i was thinking about just putting straight home theater boxes in my car and hooking them to the amp. also i was thinking of taking each speaker out of the box (sub, midrange,and tweeter) and putting them threw out my car to give more of a surround sound. Also i have a bunch of deep cycle electric golf cart batteries and i was thinking about putting 2 of them in the back of my car to run the amp being that there 6 volts eachs.I know everyone here has an opinion let me know what you think.

ummmm, well, for one, usually home speakers have a higher ohm load than car speakers do, so you wont be getting as much power as you might hope to. sounds like it might work though, if you want to place the speakers around the car, this may work, but the stock locations may not work for the size of the speakers. as for the batteries, sounds fine, but they wont last too long if you dont have something to continually charge them.

have fun

i have 2 15's in my car, they are house, i think they are fisher, either way it bumps, hooked up right home audio in your car can work well

i have 4 10 inch house spekers and nobody in staten island can touch me

Tim Scott - - If you told me you had 4 10's for the house I would not touch you either

Mike, there are drastic differences between home and car speakers. Home speakers are for saturating a living room with sound while car speakers are designed around the smaller confines of a car interior. Much of this is the enclosure design but the enclosure design is based around the speaker...they really are different.

You're much better off getting mobile audio speakers instead of using home speakers. Yes, home speakers will work. No, they won't work near as well as car speakers installed properly...even cheap car stuff is better in a car.

If you do get it to work, go to Staten Island and be top dog *laffs*
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