i think sony explode 800 watt amps put out more power than the older 1000 watt sonys so i think there awesome they are probably the best on the market
Posted on
sony xplod the best? that's a first. have you ever tried out other amps? there really is no perfect amp out there. some have better features in one category while are inferior in other aspects. take class d amps for example. they are very efficient in power consumption but don't excel in sound quality. if sony is what you like, then go for it. but i never heard someone say that their amps were the best on the market.
sony explode is a peice of crap. dont waste your money
Posted on
well, had a Sony Xplode 760 and tried pushing 2 kenwood excelon DB+ 10's with it.. lets say that the amp would shut off at about 300 watts or so. Sony amps do SUCK hard, VERY VERY HARD
Dominic L.
Posted on
Well he is probably refering to Sony VS. His old geo metro factory system lol....