JL W7 13.5'' HELP!!!!!


New member
Username: Arjun25

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-07
I just brought a brand new w7 13.5''. I am a complete noob at this stuff and need to know which amp i need to go with this sub that will power it to the max without blowing up? I also need to know do i need anything else to stop the sub or amp from blowing?
Would appreciate suggestions.

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 3685
Registered: Nov-05
you spent all that money on a sub with no knowledge of audio? no wonder you bought that sub :-)

just get yourself a JL 1000/1 since that sub has to be wired to an odd ohm load

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6526
Registered: Nov-04
Well if you're a complete noob then you made a good choice/guess. That is one of the best sub out there. Yeah the price is high, but you never get quality cheap.
You can go with either JL or Zapco. They're both expensive, but it'll go well with your quality sub.
Whatever you do, do NOT get cheap amps.

Silver Member
Username: Kyle_lowe

Post Number: 436
Registered: Apr-06
you can go cheaper than jl or zapco nd still get good quality

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Username: Loc_out

Santa Ana, Ca Resonant Eng...

Post Number: 1234
Registered: Feb-05
I say go with a 1000/1 and called it a day.

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Username: Th3pwn3r

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Post Number: 5268
Registered: Jul-06
Well since you already went with a JL subwoofer you should just pick up a 1000/1 amplifier from JL audio which will run you about $1000 from a local shop which is a high price to pay for an amplifier but that amplifier is of very good quality and is very efficient.You might as well run an entire JL audio setup since you already started.How much did you pay for that W7 if you don't mind me asking?
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