i had them last night when i opened the door to my house. havent seen them since! ehhhh i might have to pay like 150 to get a lock smith to make me a new one! such bad luck. i was gonna use to money to get a box from fisher customs. now this is gonna set me back like 2 weeks if i dont find them... wish me luck guys
lol i was fine last night just really tired. i opened the door and went up to bed. i looked all over today they are no where to be found basically about to waste 150 on a freakin lock smith. sux man. and i checked the fridge already mad times lol
Wait. Your keys are somewhere in the house and you're gonna pay to have a locksmith make new ones? Do you have kids? If not they're somewhere obvious dude. Top of fridge, bathroom, pants pocket..........
And it's probably cheaper to replace the locks than pay a locksmith.
ok when i loose keys, look everyone u could have thrwon dropeed and set them down......did u leave them in the lock??? and just close the door??? Perhaps in ur bed with you???? Umm pants under cloths in room....under bed.....try walkingin again and see where they could have gone.....dont spend 150 Im sure eull find them.....
true. nah i dont have kids im still in highschool. i swear to god i checked evrywhere even outside and in the bushes. thanks for the advice though. i really hope i find em cuz i have no way to school 2morrow morning. im thinkin my little sister moved em shes like almost two and she walks around and touches ish but i checked like everywhere.
that stinks. She probably flushed them down the toilet. Kids like shiny, jingley things. Good luck.
I lost my car keys and had to put in a new ignition, new door locks. Real pain. About 2 years later, I was fishing under the wifes car seat and found them..
I FOUND EM!!!! my stupid as* left them in my trunk. i just remembered i went in my trunk this morning t omeasure it because im getting a new box for my 15. i was about to email fisher customs and i was like wait a second i was in my trunk this morning so i look in there and they they are chill in the trunk hahah sooo relieved
ok thats weird. i have those exact same keys in that picture. but i can't tell you how many times i've locked my keys in my trunk. and somehow my trunk locks itself