well the massive is $285 but if its not gunna put out its rated power i dont want it. and at the moment i dont want to spend ova $350 but if i can sell my nintendo wii and my next couple paychecks are good i think im gunna go with the rf1000.1bd.
scratch the rockford its more expensive than i thought cause have to get everything new. But does anybody know if the Massive will put out the rated power?
i was just go say that but i know a lot of guys saying they like kicker over fosgate but i think they are about the same
You can also get the hifonics bxi 2006 2000.d for about 350 on ebay and just run it at a high ohm so then when you upgrade you have the amp to do so already but the brutus will not put a real 2000 watts i would say about 1600-1800 real watts
the hifonics would be too much power and i dont plan on upgrading thats y i asked about the massive. does any one know were i can find out if it will actaully put out 1000 watts?
I'd soooo go kicker or RF. A guy I know tested a bxi2006d against 2 seperate RF 1000.1s on a BL 18.
The first rockford gave him the same score as the bxi, the 2nd actually gave him slightly more (like .1db). To clear up my statement, he tested a 2000 wattrms amp against a 1k rms amp, changing out the RF 1k amps. He did the same or better with an amp rated at half the power. I can't vouch for his testing methods- just what he said his results were.
My brother has a 2006d on his BL 12 and it sounds great- definitely not too much power. I'd go for something that will give you 1500-2000 watts rms, any less and why not just get the SSD and save some money?
Jay you should ask bernymac he has two massive 1500.1d amps he may know about how much real power the massive will put out if you have your mind made up on it
it will do around 1400 rms and will be good for your bl and if you think is too much juzz keep the gain down alil bit and measure it to push around 1200 rms
would it be fine to run that much with the big three done? and does any one know were i can find like a volt gauge i can put somewhere so i can make sure it doesnt go to low?
Go to cardomain and buy Stinger's SVMB or SVMR I think that's the name(s)...those are Stinger's voltmeters and I recommend them all the time because it works fairly well.Most people are buying these garbage ones off of Ebay and they have retarded wiring or don't work properly or at all.