Can someone please help!? I'm not to knowledgeable about car audio and wanted to know how to hook up a 4 channel KX600.4 Kicker amp to power two 12" 4ohm Solo Baric L7's. How would you hook up my system for the best results? Also, what are the advantages and disadvantages of hooking up a 4 channel amp to two 4 ohm subs?
Only drawback is that a class AB draws more current than a class D, but the distortion is a hell of a lot lower for the AB amp, and the SQ is higher. If you want quality, A/B class is the way to go, hands down, since nobody really makes pure class A amps for cars, and you'd need a power plant to drive one anyway heh
I've always run a stereo AB class amplifier for two DVC 12" subs in my own setups.. you just need enough alternator juice to drive the amplifiers you choose.