Running 3 subs


Silver Member
Username: Mercsable

Kalamazoo, MI USA

Post Number: 144
Registered: Apr-06
right now I have two subs hooked up to one mono amp. The amp has 2 pos. and 2 neg. posts so each wire coming from the sub has its own post to go too. I plan on upgrading to 3 subs using the same amp, where should the wires go from the 3rd one? should i just put them in the same spot as one of the other subs?
this is probably a very stupid question but I wanted to make sure before I did it.

Silver Member
Username: Loc_out

Santa Ana, Ca Resonant Eng...

Post Number: 935
Registered: Feb-05
What kind of amp do you have?
what kind of sub? voice config?
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