Voltage question.


Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 3020
Registered: Jan-06
As you have heard I bought a SoundStream XXX-6500. The question is that I am gonna be running two dual voltage 12/16V batteries @2200cca (30F) AGM's. They settle out at around 17.6v but require a 19.2V charging source. The problem here is that I have heard of people running this amp at 18V but would 19.2V kill it? If so can I just limit the alternator at 18V and take what I can get from the batteries? Are AGM's capacitive, meaning they will build up there intended voltage or will they only charge up to the maximum voltage given? Polo.. :-O

Gold Member
Username: Oglejust

Post Number: 2252
Registered: Aug-06
i think the batts will only charge to the maximum voltage that the alt gives.

Gold Member
Username: Jblanford

Post Number: 1887
Registered: Oct-06
"They settle out at around 17.6v but require a 19.2V charging source. The problem here is that I have heard of people running this amp at 18V but would 19.2V kill it?"

the amp will never see 19V, you'll be lucky to be at hight 15-16V so you should be good :-)

Gold Member
Username: Oglejust

Post Number: 2254
Registered: Aug-06
^^^ true that

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 3021
Registered: Jan-06
When under load the amp may never see the charging voltage but at partial volume it will! What ever your feeding the battery with, the amp will see, why would you think differently? Polo.. :-)

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 3022
Registered: Jan-06
Unless there is something that I am overseeing, please explaine. BTW these batteries charge at 19.2v in order to reach there peak, the external regulator will be set for 19.2-19.5v full tilt. Polo..

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 2302
Registered: Dec-06
Some people are reporting that they are getting over 7500 RMS out of that amp at 16 volts. I have never heard of anyone actually sending over 18 volts to an amp but it seems to me that would be seriously pushing the internal ratings of the filter capacitors and chokes because as the voltage increases from the battery the voltage on the rails of the amps power supply will drop causing the caps and chokes to handle an increased pulse width.

This may well be one of those times when you just have to try it and see what happens. Just have a good "warranty lie" ready in case it smokes

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 3023
Registered: Jan-06
Maybe just set it to 18v take what capacity I can get from the pair and run it at 2 ohm. I am trying to keep the amp around 4500 range it is only going on a lonely SSX 15.11 and I am not looking to over push the amp. I want to use the batteries because they were an impulse buy and I will never get my money back for them $275 each shipped, lol. Polo.. :-O

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 4831
Registered: Jan-06
haha good luck with that. but the batts should still charge you may just not get the full voltage out of them.
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