i was bought on rainbow's cmx 265 kick line, but someone brought up the pioneer premier TS-C720PRS and i did some research and found a lot of good feedback, especially for the midbass.
which would ya'll recommend if i narrowed it down to those two? would the Kick series make the midbasses close to each other and then just leaving the choice up to the tweets and crossover?
if i plan on getting a pioneer premier 880prs, how difficult will it be for me to go active w/ this set? i have never done that before but i heard going active can be like night and day...
i never used pioneer really, i had a set of tweeters that were rated at 45rms... i gave em 60rms and they smoked about a month later but they sounded good until then
oh not really, i was just throwing some things out their. the exclusives will pair very nice with the seas. their is a tweeter showdown on diymobileaudio.com you should check out to see what you might like better.
I think I've read almost every review on both the Peerless Exclusives and the Seas Neo on diyma.com and for the most part, it's the best price/performance DIY set up I saw.
Now I just need to know if I can go active off the Alpine W200 alone or if I need to purchase the H701 because if I do need the H701 I will MOST LIKELY just end up buying a Premier 880prs... HELP ANYBODDDYYY?
it doesnt look like you can go active with just the w200. you could always pick up a external active crossover you can usually get a used one for 75-100.
dang that blows... I think a touchscreen would look clean. But too bad I am on a budget I am trying to keep, I'm guessing the PioPremier 880prs will work...
I heard Premier HUs give off some ground noise sometimes... how can that be avoided?