Clifford Concept 300 - 1 and 2 chirp problem


New member
Username: Steelwheels

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-07
Hello, I have a Subaru Impreza fitted with a Clifford Concept 300 by the previous owner back in 2001. The system has always been reliable but recently has started to do something unusual.

Firstly let me tell you what is OK - The Siren sounds when I open a door after the system has set, when I hold down the arm button and it also gives 3 or 4 chirps when the door is left open on arming or if the system is being reset after leaving the door open.

What is not OK is that the 1 or 2 chirps to say the system has been armed or unarmed only work intermittantly and there doesn't seem to be any logical reason for this. I can go for a few days without the chirps and then all of a sudden they will work again for a few days. The car gets plenty of runs so it shouldn't be a problem with charging. Could it be the sequence in which I am removing key, shutting door and arming, I'm pretty sure this did not used to make a difference. Any help or checks I could do would be gratefully accepted.

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