I have a couple concerns about some new speakers I may be getting, I want to get the Polk Audio db5250 component speakers to connect to the amp I have (you can check out my profile to see the set up I currently have) but im a little concerned over the best way to have the speakers connected and am just a little worried that I might be underpowering the speakers, so would anyone mind taking a look at what I have and let me know what is the best way to connect these component speakers.
Gabriel, I run the db5250 set in my Grand Am just off of my Kenwood DVD HU and they sound good for non-amped comps. With your GM-X374 amp, you can just run two channels and feed each speaker 35W, or bridge the amp and run 100W to each speaker. If it were me, I'd bridge it to get the most out of your amp, but just be aware that 100W is the high end of the spectrum for those speakers.