Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 40 Registered: Apr-07 | Anyone have any experience with these? They are cheap for the power they put out, are they decent amps? |
Bronze Member Username: Da_jay_man06Crestview, Florida U.s.a Post Number: 29 Registered: Apr-07 | my friend has one and i cant figure out how it is as bad as it is and it is only a 820 and hes got 2 12 L5s on it??????????????????????????????????????????? |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 41 Registered: Apr-07 | What a coincidence, because that's exactly what I'm planning on using it to power...two L5's. Only I'm referring specifically to the OV2-2600. Is this a good amp to push two L5's? Here are the specs on it: |
Bronze Member Username: Da_jay_man06Crestview, Florida U.s.a Post Number: 30 Registered: Apr-07 | i wouldnt because you have to bridge it to get sufficient power imo max power means nothing |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 42 Registered: Apr-07 | Well, I agree that peak means nothing, but the amp puts out 540x2W RMS at 2 ohms, and the RMS of an L5 is 600W. That seems like a pretty good match, without even looking at max power to me. Am I missing anything here? I don't know much about this. |
Silver Member Username: Solobaric4lifePost Number: 774 Registered: Jan-07 | well that amp will not do what it says, they overrate there amps by a lot, i got mine on a memphis prd1000, that is a great amp stays cold and put lil over 1200 true rms if u got the dual 4ohms u can get this theve been on sale for a while since theyve got the new models out now |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 43 Registered: Apr-07 | hmm...thats kinda expensive, thats more than I'm paying for both subs and the box together lol. Maybe I could find one used. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1305 Registered: Nov-04 | The thing is way overrated and I used to have ov2-1600. Not the way to go really. |
Gold Member Username: N2audioLawrence, Ks USA Post Number: 1283 Registered: Mar-04 | IMO it's a decent amp to start with. It ought to give you 400w or so to each sub (if they're dvc 4's - a little less if they're dvc 2's). My concern would be the impact on your car's electrical system. Being a standard class a/b 2 ch means it's not a very efficient amp. For the same price you could go with the Kenwood 9102d. Same price - same/more power - possibly better reliability - better efficiency. |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 44 Registered: Apr-07 | The Kenwood amp looks good, I may go for that. Is there any other suggestion for roughly the same price? |
Gold Member Username: JohnfiacA-ToWn, 152-153db Da... My wangers b... Post Number: 2674 Registered: Mar-06 | I personnaly wouldnt go with power acoustic... from all expericence ive had with them they literally get get hot enough to cook a egg on the heat sink. I would look into a Mono block as well, they produce much better bass then A\B amps Ive tried the ov2-1600 and the plasma sphere 1920 they both sucked really bad, but if you do go with them the plasma is WAY better then the gothic... but still junk IMO |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 45 Registered: Apr-07 | Yeah, I have the TS1920 powering two Comp VR 12's right now. Sounds okay, but I know there is better stuff out there. So even though the Kenwood amp is only 850x1 RMS, it may still produce more power than the PA that supposedly makes 540x2 RMS? I don't understand how they are allowed to overrate like that...I guess automobile manufacturers often do it too though. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1309 Registered: Nov-04 | I'd have to disagree and if it did come down to PA vs kenwood, then I'd take PA. That's just me though. |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 46 Registered: Apr-07 | So Oleg, you think the Power Acoustik would make the two L5's hit harder than the Kenwood? THIS IS SO CONFUSING ![]() |
Gold Member Username: N2audioLawrence, Ks USA Post Number: 1289 Registered: Mar-04 | I think Oleg would be in a small minority with that opinion |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 48 Registered: Apr-07 | So, Optidriven, you think the 850W (425w rms to each sub) would be plenty to power these? I assume it would be louder than my two Comp VR 12's on the Power Acoustik TS1920-2 amp I have now, correct? |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 49 Registered: Apr-07 | I just went and looked at the two L5's, they look like this: So they are older, right? And are they inferior to the 'new' silver ones? Will they be louder than my Comp VR 12's on my PA TS1920 (as opposed to two L5's on the Kenwood amp)? thanks |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 50 Registered: Apr-07 | Eh, I was kinda rambling on my last post...basically, would you replace two 05CVR 12's with two of the L5 12's in the link above? thanks again |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 2178 Registered: Jul-06 | PA and Kenwood amps both suck, don't waste your money on them |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 51 Registered: Apr-07 | Hey M.S., while you are online, do you think the black L5 (older model) would be considerably louder than my Comp VR's, all other things equal? And would you pay $250 for two of the L5's in a sealed box? Or is that kind of a bad deal, could I do better on ebay somewhere? |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 52 Registered: Apr-07 | And of course, M.S., what amp would you suggest, since these two brands aren't really any good? |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 2186 Registered: Jul-06 | CVRs over L5s any day. The L5s may be louder on more power but their SQ and build quality is complete crap, same goes for L7s. |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 2187 Registered: Jul-06 | The rule of "you get what you pay for" is extremely true in car audio. Kicker subs (except for CVR and CVX), PA amps, and Kenwood amps are all cheap for a reason....... |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 53 Registered: Apr-07 | Ahh, so you'd suggest that I keep my Comp VR's? I'm looking to upgrade the system as a whole, so another option would be keep the subs and swap amps out. The subs are both 2-ohms (ordered 4 ohm, but they sent me the wrong ones, said it was my fault), so what would be a good amp to replace my TS1920-2? Also, the guys who installed it said that since they are 2-ohm, they wouldn't be as loud on my amp as 4-ohms would be. Can this be fixed with another amp? thanks for answering my ton and a half questions lol... |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Southeast PA Post Number: 2188 Registered: Jul-06 | That amp should already be giving those subs full power, that is if they wired it right. (two 2-ohm subs wired in series is 4 ohms, then wired to the amp in bridged mode) If you want to upgrade, you're gonna need new subs and an amp. Post what budget you have in the subwoofer section and you will get plenty of suggestions. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1312 Registered: Nov-04 | Aaron, when I gave my opinion about the amps, we were talking about a slight quality advantage one may have over the other - I went with PA, I've owned PA. Neither of those amps are anything to brag about in terms of power or quality. A solid bang for the buck is always kicker amps - they're not really cheap and not really over the board expensive. Lower quality, but more affordable is hifonics and we recommend that brand a lot to people on a very tight budget. Most of the time if you can afford PA or Kenwood, you should be able to afford some of the hifonics brutus amps. Anyway, the budget is always key in making a good suggestion for your set up. |
Bronze Member Username: Aaron_cArkansas Post Number: 64 Registered: Apr-07 | Thanks for the post Oleg. I've got a thread going in the subwoofers section about building an entire new system. I plan to go with two AudioQue SD2.5 12's, and I'll be undecided on the amp until the time comes to buy it, because it will depend on my current budget in about three weeks or so. I'll either go with a Hifonics or an Orion, depending on how much cash I have. |
Gold Member Username: OlegSanta Monica, CA USA Post Number: 1314 Registered: Nov-04 | Nice. Orion HCCA-D2400 would be awesome for those subs. It's a great amp. |
Gold Member Username: JohnfiacA-ToWn, 152-153db Da... My wangers b... Post Number: 2683 Registered: Mar-06 | fu<k that get a sony xplode, those things bang! ![]() |