Lookin For A Decent Amplifier


Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 485
Registered: Jun-06
Ive finally got some credit built up and im off to buying a new vehicle. Im not sure on the year but im gonna be getting a Chevy S-10 (2001 I think???). At first, I was lookin around for subwoofers that would be able to fit and makes a good amount of bass but, I wouldn't want something too big back up there since i'll be using that 3rd seat. I came across one of these and im kindof considering it: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_155_Bazooka+NOS8+-+Blue+NOS-8+-.html . Ive never had any experiece with this sub so im not sure what amp to get. I was also considering getting two of these. There 150 watts RMS each and have a SVC 4 ohm load.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?

Silver Member
Username: Skies

Courtenay, British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 539
Registered: Aug-05
A relative of mine has some Infinity reference subwoofers in an '04 S10, not sure when the style changed but the references are just shy of 5" deep, and you can still use his 3rd seat.

I'm also not sure on how deep he made his box, whether it was just enough to accomodate the 5" mounting depth or more.

DO NOT buy anything that says "Bazooka" anywhere on it.

The build quality on Bazooka products is absolutely TERRIBLE, you will blow those in ~3 months, and I can almost guarantee that.

What kind of a budget do you have?
You need head unit + amplifier too?

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Southeast PA

Post Number: 1354
Registered: Jul-06
You should be able to fit a 10" or two back there.....

Silver Member
Username: J_c_wheeler8

Columbus, IN United States

Post Number: 123
Registered: May-06
My friend has an S-10, I think its like a 1996 or something, but hes got 2x 12" kicker comps back there with this amp:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=001&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT &viewitem=%26item%3D110112211509%26%26

(P.S. Not an extended Cab either)

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 487
Registered: Jun-06
I already have a head unit picked out to which im going to get.

As far as my budget goes, I have $500 to spend (sub, amp, enclosure, wiring)

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 4358
Registered: Dec-05
Joe, you're a guy who knows the audio world. Grab a good 10" such as infinity (cheap with good sq) and build a nice sealed box. You will be happy.

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 489
Registered: Jun-06
lol, ya I do know things here and there but, I lack experience with most of the products out there. I already knew that Bazooka's were crap, but I just wanted to see what everyone's opinions were on the 8" NOS tubes.

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 490
Registered: Jun-06
and by experience, i mean like, personally listening or testing equipment

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 4374
Registered: Dec-05
i haven't heard their NOS tubes, but they're pretty much the same and i've heard the others. They s.ck, The only way to improve is to use their basstubes and put another sub in.
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