Why does my cd skip when i turn the volume up?


Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 68
Registered: Mar-07
is it bcuz my subs are taking too much power?? to 10 " L7s lookin for some new ones now jus had to try em out anu suggestions that wont cost a fortune lookin inot those type R's maybe i want deeper bass.

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 70
Registered: Mar-07
sorry for the double post i cancelled this one but it didnt work... sorry rob dont start yellin at me!!! lol

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 11330
Registered: Oct-05
your bass is too loud.

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 71
Registered: Mar-07
but my bass is all the way on 0??? and the EQ is on vocal and there is no bass on my interiors it can go any lower.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 11331
Registered: Oct-05
no i am trying to say that the bass is so loud that it is making the hu skip. the vibration from the bass that is.

is the hu mounted very nice and tight? also what kinda hu is it? the better hu's don't skip unless the bass is extremely loud.

Gold Member
Username: Tremor1127

Fi Car Audio has got m...

Post Number: 1213
Registered: Aug-06
chad is right...

my panasonic skips like a beast...

alpines are hard to make skip.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 1468
Registered: Jul-06
Sorry man for being an azzhole at times but I won't yell at you for the double post.You should probably look at the mounting of your Head Unit.Maybe the screws that hold it in are missing or loose.If they're there and they're tight you can try using rubber O-Rings before you install the screws to get a little cushion against vibration.You should also try running a cleaning disc through your head unit.The laser may be dirty so give those things a try and good luck.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 1469
Registered: Jul-06
You should also check the voltage levels of the power wire going to the head unit.My friend was having problems when he would turn the volume up which would cause the head unit to stop playing for a bit.I told him to run a new power wire from the fuse box and problem solved.

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 72
Registered: Mar-07
i a have a pioneer head unit when i turn my volume up to 40 my cap read 13.5 volts and i dont even blast my system on 40 i blast it on 50 and it strts skipping around volume 45... my HU was a cheaper model it was only 130

Bronze Member
Username: Dakangofkrunk16

Post Number: 24
Registered: Mar-07
i have a pioneer HU the pioneer premiere DEH-P7800MP and mine only skipped cause the cd was extremely scrathed but when i had an older crappier HU cd's would always skip ur skip protection mite be low and also look at ur mounting screws like they said do u no the Model of ur HU

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 75
Registered: Mar-07
idk off hand its grey with green lighting the change track buttons and menu up and down buttons is like an additon sign on the left hand sign kinda like a directional pad.. how do you turn up the skip protection?

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 1478
Registered: Jul-06
Lol,I don't think HU's have that feature.I've seen some CD players with G-Shock and ESP I think...but HU's don't have the feauture to adjust skip protection that I know of.

Silver Member
Username: Basssquared

Post Number: 273
Registered: Nov-06
LOL LMAO Skip protection lol i got a laugh out of that one, but yeah that sucks i had the same problem. I had a new pioneer and it was skipping, so i just sold it for 80 bucks to a friend and bought the new panasonic motorized HU and it only skips if the cd is scratched besides that it handles all the bass like nothing im surprised tremor is having trouble with his.

Bronze Member
Username: Dakangofkrunk16

Post Number: 30
Registered: Mar-07
i didnt mean it was low as u can turn it up i was sayin overal the HU has a low skip protection esp or w/e u wanna call it i had an old HU that was only 2 secs of skip protection it was wack

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

California USA

Post Number: 1994
Registered: May-05
I don't think your headunit is skipping because of the bass. I mean you said the bass is at 0 and the EQ is on vocal which minimizes bass. That headunit actually sounds like my old one (an older pioneer). I had that with my Arsenal in a ported box tuned to 35hz and I could turn it up all the way with no skipping. Your problem may be your amp is going in and out or protection or something of that sort.

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 77
Registered: Mar-07
I took it 2 my installer at circuit city and he said tht its bcuz my bass is rattling too bad he was shocked at how loud it was he said its prolly pretty high on the DB meter? He said I'm def going to need dynomat is that stuff any good bcuz its pretty expensive does it work?

Bronze Member
Username: Dakangofkrunk16

Post Number: 39
Registered: Mar-07
YEa dynamat really wooks if installed properly and u can even see 3dbs increase or more and it just makes it sound so much beter and yea that stuff is a pretty penny but its worth it http://www.sonicelectronix.com/cat_i145_sound-dampening-equipment.html
it seems to be the cheapest there what eva u do dont get it from ccity

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

California USA

Post Number: 1995
Registered: May-05
He was trying to make a sale..

I mean, of course sound deadener will work wonders, but what is that going to do for your headunit?? (Which is why you went there in the first place)

Bronze Member
Username: Surferdude9371

Maitland, Florida

Post Number: 43
Registered: Mar-07
mine did that i just pluged my ipod into the back of the hu which is nice because i dont need a bunch of cds and it wont skip

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 79
Registered: Mar-07
I also went there bcuz there was a high pitched sound coming from da back of my car somewhere I thought it was my subs but he said its something vibrating on my back dash which virbrates like CRAZY!!! So I need it for that not the head unit..

Bronze Member
Username: Ceoofdaroc4

Post Number: 80
Registered: Mar-07
I also went there bcuz there was a high pitched sound coming from da back of my car somewhere I thought it was my subs but he said its something vibrating on my back dash which virbrates like CRAZY!!! So I need it for that not the head unit..

Silver Member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 492
Registered: Feb-06
If the bass makes your cd player skip the dynamat would only make it skip more. Sounds like a headunit problem to me not a bass problem.

Anyways don't but dynamat, it's way over-priced. For about 25$ you can buy 'peal-n-seal' or somepeople call it "heat and ice shield" at homedepot. It comes in a big roll and its the same stuff as dynamat.

Here is a great site all about sound deadener

The guy has done all kinds of tests with the most common sound deadener products for car audio

heres what he concluded
"If you really need to do this in the absolutely least expensive way and are not convinced or concerned by the demonstrated inferiority of asphalt based sound deadeners, go to Home Depot or Lowes and get a roll or two of Peel & Seal. This is the least expensive option and you won't have to worry about shipping costs. I can see no difference in Peel & Seal and the asphalt based aluminum skinned products in this review. If you are going to live dangerously, do it right"

asphalt based aluminum skinned = dynamat
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