i want to 15 fi btl would a massive p3000 on each be to much or will it be good for daily what size alt will i need and will i need the big 3 and how many batteries going in a 94 chevy caprice
if you are going to get them fully loaded then I would imagine it would be fine. Chad is running a orion 2500D on each one of his. You are going to need a HEFTY alt I would get atleast 300 amps and a few batteries. I understand you want a lot of power and a huge system but it comes with a hefty price tag.
yep. it can handle alot, but he obviously knows what hes doing with the box, setting the gains perfectly etc. "new" people come on this site wanting to put 5000 into a sub, when they dont know what important factors are needed to do just to get that sub to handle that power.