I got a fi logo sticker(in red). 4 by 10 i believe it was made for me. im going to pick it up at 5. anyone want one. ill ask him how low he could go if i get more peeps to buy one. just need to know how many peeps want one maybe.}
"Stickers are now in stock... but only the little 4" Fi logo ones. They are getting dropped into all subs that are now shipping. I think Ill simply have people send in a SASE (Self addressed stamped envelope) and Ill send you back a pair of stickers for free. Sounds good for now. We will have these and larger ones up on the site under apparell/accesories soon.
Ill make an official announcement and sticky about how to get the stickers for free shortly"...
Thanks... Scott
I'm not sure if you would have had to buy a sub from him or not though.
just mail him a stamped self addressed envelope and hell send you a sticker. you dont have to buy a sub but if you do buy a sub hell give you some anyway
Send me an SASE and Ill send you back a couple of stickers in it... Oh, and word to the wise, please set the address for the envelope to come back to you... not to me...lol I have already received 2 return envelopes addressed to me... I dont want to sent myself the stickers
Well I had to exlpain the term SASE to lots of people... simply not something that the younger crowd has heard of... you simply email everything and it arrives... only Grandma Josie with the stubble chin sends things in envelopes via the postal service (normally a birthday card for a 4 year with a $2 bill in it... and your 23)
Can someone help me out because i want to get a couple because i got my Q and stuff but i know nothing and i mean nothing when it comes to mailing envelopes, what do i put where?? lol
Scott Atwell: simply not something that the younger crowd has heard of...
this picture is the envelope you stick in the mail THEN stick an envelope inside of that one with a stamp and flip those things where the arrow is. simple as that
haha no problem. i thought it would be hard to explain it in words with a big long paragraph so i always think its easier to understand things by pictures.
ReArrangeYaMind... Visual aid summed it up perfect
Brad Warren... I was kind enough to peal the stamp off their envelope and adress them correctly on new ones (although I did fold theirs in half and stuff them back in my envelope...lol)
well when you said they are being put in all subs that are currently shipping, I ordered a 15 fi q that shipped on the 19th, so would there be one in there? thanks steven