Silver Member Username: Kaos15thPost Number: 377 Registered: Mar-05 | lol well it started snowing here in mesa az something tat never happens it snowed in phoenix but it would melt before it was close to hit the ground kinda crazy just means global warming is coming![]() |
Gold Member Username: Matt12490The biggity biggity BAY, California USA Post Number: 1538 Registered: May-05 | yeah it snowed in san francisco the other week. wtf |
Gold Member Username: LeewXXXX!!WWWW, Yokosuka, ... Holla Back Y... Post Number: 1330 Registered: Jan-06 | we all gonna die ...soon will be huge water flood! |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 931 Registered: Feb-06 | You just said it snowed when that never happens yet you said global warning is effecting us... that doesnt make sense at all... if global warming was having an effect then it would be getting hotter thus not being able to snow even if it does melt before it hits the ground... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindWww.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL Post Number: 9637 Registered: Oct-05 | eventually we all die. at least with the world coming to an end, we can all die at the same time. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2719 Registered: Jul-06 | its called el nino bud |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 933 Registered: Feb-06 | global warming is bullshit... a buncha environmentalists and a couple scientists just want to scae eeryone into their liberal ways... I say bring the Smog! |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 70 Registered: Dec-06 | ^^^^^^^^RETARD^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54KY More Wang Th... Post Number: 3244 Registered: Nov-04 | global warming not real? i believe it is watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" bet u will change ur mind |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2720 Registered: Jul-06 | no global warming is true...i mean, the ice caps are melting are they not? they melt, flood many cities/states/countries. i mean, it may not happen within the next 10 or 20 years, but it very well could happen during our lifetime... with that said, im not gonna stop driving my car or completly change my way of life...with the expected flood areas, ill have my self a nice little beach front house after it but yea, it is happening, possibly too late to do anything about it tho... |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 937 Registered: Feb-06 | Nick, thank you, I love your sense of humor and ability to pick up on sarcasm. Half of my statement is true. Global warming won't affect us (I'm 18) in our lifetime. It MAY affect our children, but there's no way to prove that either. These environmentalists try to scare us by acting as if the world will come to an end if we dont start using ethanol (which is more expensive than gas and hurts gas mileage) and don't start buying hybrids. I'm a strong conservative and if you disagree make a statement as to why. As far as I'm concerned the fact that you took time to call me a retard with no evidence behind your statements makes you look ignorant. Reply now. |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 71 Registered: Dec-06 | ^^^^^^^RETARD^^^^^^^^ |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 938 Registered: Feb-06 | Haha, exactly how I expected you to reply. Thanks for sharing. |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2718 Registered: Apr-06 | "DAY AFTER TOMMORROW" is it a movie of the future??? |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 73 Registered: Dec-06 | ^^^^^^^RETARD^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 74 Registered: Dec-06 | opps, sorry driving. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2722 Registered: Jul-06 | E85 ethanol is cheaper than gas actually. and im not trying to be a d!ck by saying that. but yes it does hurt gas mileage, significantly. |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 75 Registered: Dec-06 | opps, sorry driving. I'm just f#$%ing with you Reece. I respect your opinion, its like an a$$hole, everyone has one. My personal opinion differs. I believe, and I am 19, that we will see the effects of global warming well withing out lifetime. Take the above advice and watch "An Inconvient Truth". I must admit that the movie has both enviromental as well as political motives behind it. Even so, all the data in the movie is supported by the scientific community. Surverys taken of papers written by people in the scientific community over the past ten years show that no established scientific community/organization disagrees over the validity of human fueled global warming. On the other hand, the same survey of the mass media taken over the same period of time shows about a 50/50 split on wether or not global warming is happening and is caused by human civilization. I believe we are being brainwashed by the mass media and our government to believe this is not happenening b/c it is not in our current economical interests to take actions to stop it. |
Silver Member Username: WarlokOrlando, FL USA Post Number: 110 Registered: Dec-05 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damn REPUBLICANS, they will say and do anything to scam money from under peoples noses ! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3984 Registered: Dec-05 | Yanks fan. Ethanol is way cheaper and is a good solution but the problem goes like this: US will produce a lot of ethanol or will conquer all the markets, then they will control the price and nobody will afford it. A lot of wars and troubles to US. About global warming, too many industries in US and they haven't signed an arrange with japan, cuz all the problem goes to south hemisphere. You guys are from US i understand that, but seriously, your country in big part, causes the problem. BTW, you guys should vote for democrats... every time a republican wins, a new war starts. Just check some facts. |
Silver Member Username: WarlokOrlando, FL USA Post Number: 112 Registered: Dec-05 | ^^ LoL, I 2nd cha ! |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 76 Registered: Dec-06 | Acctually, its the Republican's that are saying the Liberal Democrats are scaring ppl. The Republicans don't want that to happen. If the dems succeed, there will be new emmisions standards and more taxpayers money will be spent on solving this problem, which scares oil companies and detriot. It doesnt make sense why this scares them tho. Something like this happened back in 1971-72, when the catalytic converter was introduced into american transportation. People thought it would greatly hurt american motor companies and effect oil companies, instead it created jobs and competitive research. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2723 Registered: Jul-06 | i agree with yuo juliob that the US causes a lot of the problem. but now india and china are finally catching up with everyone else and are useing coal fired power plants...considering they have 2 of the largest populations, those coal fired plants are gonna really do some when those are up, they will be worse than the US. but yea, right now the US is f_cking over the world in a way. |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderWest palm, Florida Post Number: 2867 Registered: Jan-06 | even if we stopped emmiting fossile fuels and smog and whatever we'd still be fvcked because of the stuff thats already slowly rising into the ozone global warming is happening and if you dont belive it youve got to be one hell of a ignorant SOB. nothing dirasic is going to happen say over night but over a period of 10 years it sure will. iv been learning alot about this for a while and its predicted to baicically go down in 20-50years so pretty much all of us will see effects in our lifetime |
Silver Member Username: 04redmach1Columbus, GA USA Post Number: 317 Registered: Mar-06 | Global warming is true, but nothing to worry about. Just as we humans adapted to the world, nature will adapt and take care of us. "Day after tomorrow" I see as being somewhat true. Mother nature can purify the air when needed in strange events. Big floods, I don't see being a huge issue though. The ice is in the ocean already. So when going from solid to liquid will not increase the level of water. Only ones to worry about is ice on land, but this talk about the iceburgs and so forth melting and flooding everything is crap. El nino and La nina is the cause of the crazy weather. Like I said, mother nature will adapt and purify when needed. PROOF ! Colder temps and wierd weather in AZ and CA. Hot air rises, which will be your non pure air, and colder temp will make your air more pure. Whooohooo, I think that sounds pretty good ![]() Kevin |
Bronze Member Username: Nickb4247Post Number: 77 Registered: Dec-06 | Carbon dioxide levels are 30 percent higher today then they have been in the last 600,000 years. Water based ice is not a threat. But land based ice is. The melting of land based ice has the potential to raise sea levels drastically. A large and sudden release of fresh water due to melting ice can have the ability to stop ocean currents. Such as the one that carries warm water to the west coast of Great Britian, and keeps Europe in a temperate climate. Can you say "theres a 1/4 mile of ice over my head"? |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2720 Registered: Apr-06 | lol wow we have quite a few scientist on ecoustics personaly global warming will take effect long b4 were gone scientist are just tryin to scare us just like the sun exploding none of this will matter to us i say f**k the world and let our kids deal with it HAHAHHHAHAHA imma di*k |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Post Number: 4187 Registered: Feb-05 | Free Your Mind people !!!! / The Truth will set you Free. This is a good start to finding the reality of the world you live in today. ENJOY ![]() |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveNj US Post Number: 2902 Registered: Jun-06 | I'm not touching this one.![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2724 Registered: Jul-06 | driving, actually it very well could happen in most of lifetimes. within the next 30-40 years is a high possibility. but lets not freak about this, this is a el nino/la nina year which causes goofy weather everywhere. for example, here in NoVA it was 80 degrees lsat sunday, this sunday, we got an inch of snow... |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2721 Registered: Apr-06 | here in florida its 90 degrees then 40 degrees the next then the next day it rains and then its windy with 90 degrees temperature if ne one is F-ed up its FL we are only cold 1 month outta the year lol and were lucky even to get a month of cold this year i think weve only had 2 weeks of cold weather |
Gold Member Username: Van_manBoston South, MA Post Number: 1809 Registered: Mar-06 | climate change is an ongoing event. If the world was 1 hour old, The climate for the last 59 minutes and 59 seconds has fluxuated from Global average of 119 Above to 100 below. It has only been this last second, Which by the way man lives, that the climate has maintained a comfortable,(in human being terms) climate. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 8862 Registered: Dec-04 | hey guys instead of pointing fingers look in history books. The polar ice caps have melted before and refroze its a natural occurance in our world cycle. The world itself releases more methane gas then we could possibly contribute to. The reason for global warming is the high high amounts of CO2 found in the atmosphere, JulioB you blame the US? that may be tru but not directly. It comes from the high high numbers of trees being cut down in the rain forests every day, becaus eif you didnt pay attention in science class trees take Co2 and turn it into O2. Without the mass number of trees that were here durring the last global warming trend it can't fix itself. You can say its all the suv's till your blue in the face but the truth is that SUV's dont put a finger on the trees that we are losing daily! and scientist will tell you that. I have this great program from the discover chan on my tivo right now that I just had my son watch, and it puts everything into perspective. Yanks was right about el nino also. It warms the pacific 1-2 degrees shifting the jet streams therefore shifting weather paterns. |
Silver Member Username: WarlokOrlando, FL USA Post Number: 114 Registered: Dec-05 | People, just accept it, Geoerge Bush is goin to KILL EVERYONE ! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveNj US Post Number: 2903 Registered: Jun-06 | Have you ever seen the deforestation in South America from Google Earth? Eye opening! D@mn! I went ahead and touched this thread. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2724 Registered: Apr-06 | hahaha longo shut up![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2729 Registered: Jul-06 | well this thread can get ugly after that i want my boy rudy giuliani to rnu for pres... |
Silver Member Username: WarlokOrlando, FL USA Post Number: 115 Registered: Dec-05 | ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ This entire thread is def the most funny subwoofer topic I've ever seen WHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHAHAHAHAHAHH . . .. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2732 Registered: Jul-06 | well atleast we all know that we are educated people and know more than car audio |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveNj US Post Number: 2904 Registered: Jun-06 | Go ahead. Someone bring up religon. I dare you.![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Rovin1 12 Atomic ... Post Number: 10503 Registered: Jul-05 | now Paul wants some1 to take bait & get killed over religious talk -..........![]() |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2726 Registered: Apr-06 | PRAISE ALAH![]() |
Gold Member Username: LeewXXXX!!WWWW, Yokosuka, ... Holla Back Y... Post Number: 1331 Registered: Jan-06 | Viva el diablo! |
Gold Member Username: LeewXXXX!!WWWW, Yokosuka, ... Holla Back Y... Post Number: 1332 Registered: Jan-06 | I mentioned car! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 8863 Registered: Dec-04 | DAVE YOUR A A S S H O L E |
Gold Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 2379 Registered: Jan-06 | The reason being is because the earth doesn't have a perfect orbit. The earth actually has a wobble to it when it rotates this is also effected by the fact the moon is moving further away from the earth which will further worsen the wobble, FACT/// Polo...![]() |
Gold Member Username: B101DD, RE, FI, TREO, KICKERUSA Post Number: 4157 Registered: Sep-05 | moon movin away from earth?? that will definitely change the flow of current in the oceans... anyways, I meant to say, ethonal is ALOT more expensive than gasoline, and also burns quicker... but somehow we gain more hp... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Alexv305Tavernier, FL USA Post Number: 580 Registered: Oct-05 | hey man tell the president to jus walk it out |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 951 Registered: Feb-06 | Thank you, B, James, and any other not completely liberal person out there. Your views are clouded by hysteria. What happend to you people being politically correct? You should have realized the opinions your throwing out could upset people, and that would be bad! Anyways, enough liberal bashing. I did a study on ethanol and it will end up costing much more than gas, and hurt gas mileage sufficiently. Emissions will always be there and like James said, you can blame it on SUVs all day, but that's not the be all and end all of the downfall some of you think our world is facing. There is some research by scientists, but the field is not NEAR broad enough to show conclusive evidence of "our world coming to an end". Not to turn this political, but fat chance a democrat wins the presidency. Barrak Obama? Hillary Clinton? The simple fact that you consider running Hillary should dissuade EVERYONE from being a Democrat. Nothing against women, but I would leave the country if another Clinton made office. Check that, I would leave and ANY women became president... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 2380 Registered: Jan-06 | Reece I don't agree with you at all. Look what happened when Bill was removed from office, we went into war again. The worse thing Bill clinton did was get laid in office, GOOD FOR HIM! I would rather have a president who really didn't do much than one who wasted more money, time and lives in a war that wasn't ours to begin with. Now with ethanol it takes aprox TWICE as much of it to get the same gas mileage/horse power that gasoline would give. The reason for this is density. In the future you will not have a choice on what you burn it is being made for you right now. Almost all cars build now are ethanol friendly...Polo. PS- Other from PMS I think Hillary would make a great president... JMHO. |
Silver Member Username: KravenbloodOhio DD Z1 you wi... Post Number: 187 Registered: Aug-05 | you know there is a machine that converts water to hydrogen that can run a car without mods to it (besides putting the machine in) and it gets 100miles to 8 ounces of water and the only byproduct is water ill try to find the video again.. suposably the guy got sued by the goverment cause he wasnt buying gas but using the roads.. Gas tax is actually road tax so ive been told |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 966 Registered: Feb-06 | The economy would have been great no matter who was president while Bill was in office. I'm not saying Bush is a good president, because he's not. I'm just saying with the cards he was dealt it would be hard for anyone (especially a b!tch) to come out with a positive approval. P.S. Hillary's approval ratings are at an al-time low. Thank God! |
Silver Member Username: Denali_on_22sSSX, Tenneki US of A Post Number: 967 Registered: Feb-06 | BTW my post thanking B and James and all other conservative sounding people looked like I was talking to them after the first sentence. After I thanked you all I moved on to talking to the liberals... |
Silver Member Username: 04redmach1Columbus, GA USA Post Number: 321 Registered: Mar-06 | It is nice to know we have more than subs and amps ont he brain hehe. I've researched weather and climates ever since I was in 3rd grade. I love chasing tornadoes (different subject). Anywho, I love the graph Marc put up and what was said. IMO, and studied opinion, what I said above, El nino and La nina is a way for mother nature to maintain the climates. Your body temp is 98 degrees. When you get sick you get hotter. Well, earth is sick and gets hotter. We have white blood cells, earth has the nino's. Now if we don't stop cutting the rain forest down, we will be up $hit creek without a paddle. Scientist are over paid morons that scare the public ![]() Kevin |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessDD 9515f, USA Post Number: 2759 Registered: Apr-06 | u realize tht with bill we had a surplus economy then u hand over the country to an idi0t republican and all of sudden war occurs IMHO i beleive bush is like a two year old playin with a slinky. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2821 Registered: Jul-06 | yea it is good to see that we arent all idiots outside of car audio. whlie you like tornadoes and what not, im a big fan of me a geek. lol rudi guliani FTW!! or however you spell that dudes last name lol ^^he a yanks |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 2822 Registered: Jul-06 | btw...i started to watch an inconvient truth today in school...gonna finish it next week. pretty interesting so far |
Silver Member Username: Kaos15thPost Number: 382 Registered: Mar-05 | what ever you do dont support john mc cain he also running for president he supports bush and there both id!ots. |
Silver Member Username: Livin_loud18 of Love Fi Audio Post Number: 932 Registered: Jan-06 | democrats ftw http://n ^^^^^^^i was happy to see this earlier ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Alexv305Tavernier, FL USA Post Number: 581 Registered: Oct-05 | rotflol |
Silver Member Username: Alexv305Tavernier, FL USA Post Number: 582 Registered: Oct-05 | sorry wrong thread |
Silver Member Username: Alexv305Tavernier, FL USA Post Number: 583 Registered: Oct-05 | were all going to die one day or another, but i wouldnt like to be reencarnated as some kind of animal only to find out i wasted sperm aka my next generations dieing of global warming...rofl drank to much tonight... ttyl everyone |