Check this out. its messed up


Bronze Member
Username: Snarl2004

Post Number: 24
Registered: Dec-06
read this artical.

this is f**ked up. the damn artical is sexist against male teenagers. the first and last sections are the worst. whoever wrote is an a** hole

Silver Member
Username: Devastation101

Audioque SD2.5-ville, HENDERSON, NC VP of 15 Wan...

Post Number: 813
Registered: Feb-06
lol, I think it's kinda funny that someone would actually take the time to complain about this. It's really hilarious. In my town, the fine just got moved from $75 to $250 in less than 1 year! I think that they should make it fair for both sides of the court here, I think that all music can be allowed to be played at any volumes from 8:00 to 8:00...nobody should be sleep by then, if so, damnit........WAKE UP!!!

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 3549
Registered: Jun-05
lol that is funny male teenagers and it is like a drug addiction lol i know how that feels im bumpless i want my mag now

Gold Member
Username: Alias747

Eclipse Ti, MN

Post Number: 1859
Registered: Apr-05
Yeah that article has been around forever. Not only are they sexist, they are amazingly ignorant too.


Ford Motor Company Installs Boom Equipment
Ford Motor Company offers a 1,000 watt sound system in its model 2005 Mustang.

If you are going to write an article attacking something at least SOMEWHAT learn what the proper terminology about it is. BOOM EQUIPMENT? Sounds like an 80 year old woman wrote it.

I'm going to print off one of those VERY informative fliers at the bottom and share it with everybody. Apparently we are anti-social if we have subs in our cars. Pffffttt... bitch please!}

Silver Member
Username: Tremor1127

Post Number: 665
Registered: Aug-06
"The medical journal Thorax reported the cases of four young men who suffered a lung collapse triggered by loud bass music. Three of the men were at a concert or club, while the fourth was in a boom car outfitted with a 1,000-watt bass system."

and everyone of these individuals were half vag'na...

Silver Member
Username: Goodie_goop

Midland, Texas U.S.

Post Number: 120
Registered: Oct-06
i cant wait till i have a boom car

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac


Post Number: 1728
Registered: Sep-04
lmao, this is funny.

They assume that their car will attract women and improve their social standing among their peers.

Gold Member
Username: Wolfman1966


Post Number: 1547
Registered: Jan-06
I'm gonna have a "boom car" soon..but I have a switch to turn it on and off

remember...boom responsibly

Silver Member
Username: Goodie_goop

Midland, Texas U.S.

Post Number: 121
Registered: Oct-06
"caused a little boy to cry in the middle of the street"

that would be BA

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., 4000 isnt ev... 100,000dB FU...

Post Number: 655
Registered: Dec-06

I hear loud music all the time and I DONT CARE about it. I'm usually playing music myself anyway so I can't hear it.

That is quite a biased article. It's opinionated for sure. I usually pass off biased articles as bologna since they don't give accurate information. All they're trying to do is influence people by finding anything that support their opinion.

I pass it off as BULL.

Silver Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 840
Registered: Feb-06
Boomers are typically lower-middle class males in their teens and twenties with some disposable income. They assume that their car will attract women and improve their social standing among their peers.

That's funny. Hahaha. I'd like to drive by the dud that wrote this and flip him off while listening full blast.

Silver Member
Username: Livin_loud

18 of Love Fi Audio

Post Number: 768
Registered: Jan-06
I'd just like to highlight the best parts of the article.

- "Boomers are typically lower-middle class males in their teens and twenties with some disposable income. They assume that their car will attract women and improve their social standing among their peers."
^^^^^ the woman and social standing part might be true

- "Infrasound noise (low frequency bass sound) induces an addictive drug-like euphoric effect for boomers"
^^^^^ well, it is addictive...

- "Pregnant woman, infants and children may be seriously harmed by exposure to this type of noise."
^^^^^ yeah, maybe if they sat in a friggin competition car...

- "The medical journal Thorax reported the cases of four young men who suffered a lung collapse triggered by loud bass music. Three of the men were at a concert or club, while the fourth was in a boom car outfitted with a 1,000-watt bass system."
^^^^ BS. and the article isn't even based on clubs

- "Sony uses the brand name X-Plod with the slogan "Disturb the peace". Pioneer Electronics slogan is "Disturb, Defy, Disrupt, Ignite". JBL uses the line, "either we love bass, or hate your neighbors."
^^^^^ never have i heard these slogans, but regardless, its a friggin slogan lol

- The pioneer ad is based on a navigation unit, and criticism of others is just stupid. the pioneer video actually shows peoples dedication to the hobby, and they work for what they have... i suppose haha

- "The expensive speakers frequently blow out in competition and need to be replaced, which happens to be very profitable to the manufacturers"
^^^^ nobody told them to keep buying them...

- "If you see a car audio shop opening up in your community, organize with your neighbors and stage a protest. Make picket signs and send a media alert to local newspaper and television news outlets so they can cover the event"
^^^^.... wow

Silver Member
Username: Luisdelbronx

Bronx, NY USA

Post Number: 102
Registered: Jan-06
"If you see a car audio shop opening up in your community, organize with your neighbors and stage a protest. Make picket signs and send a media alert to local newspaper and television news outlets so they can cover the event."

Protest a car audio shop??? why?? why leave people without a job just because you have a stick up ur A s s, i dont know but that article made me grind my teeth lol..

they even complain about mowing your lawn...wowwww whats next? construction is pretty noisy, im suprised its not on that site..

these people probably live in houses with no tv's no stereos, and sit on a chair looking out the window for things to complain about all day long..ghey

Bronze Member
Username: Snarl2004

Post Number: 26
Registered: Dec-06
the whole solutions part at the end is hilarious

"Do not approach or attempt to reason with motorists in boom cars. When possible, take down their license plate number and call the police."

--all i can say is wow

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1879
Registered: Aug-05
When I first read that I thought it said "TAKE DOWN THE MOTORIST"...I was just like HOLY HELL! GETTING A BIT EXTREME ARE WE?

Oh, I don't suppose you've all seen that infamous article about Lorraine, OH, where they destroy systems on the spot (cops), for being too noisy?

I'd like to see them have fun with some of our stuff being as heavy as it is and bolted down on top of it lol. They'd be there for hours trying to get mine out, because it was sort of a one way deal hehehe...And nothing says they're allowed to damage the car...

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1880
Registered: Aug-05
You know I've never looked at this article as closely before...But they complain about ANYTHING that makes noise...

Can't have car alarms, but they'd be the first to complain if the car was stolen, and they didn't hear it.

Oh and they offer a "Strategy Guide"...Kinda like the ones I buy for video games like Zelda that help me to find EVERY HEART PIECE LIKE OMGOMGOMG! I JUST GOT A PERFECT GAME!

Whereas they just get a perfect, "Hi, I'm a BIZZATCH."

Silver Member
Username: Alexv305

Tavernier, FL USA

Post Number: 492
Registered: Oct-05
Hey I dont see why they complain...its not like I drive around with two Treo SSX 15s and two Orion 2500ds hittiing around 149-153 dBs daily.. :-)

BUMP lol

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Fi Audio BTL

Post Number: 9064
Registered: Oct-05
why do they have a pic of a jackhammer after saying lower middle class people do this. i mean that thing is expensive.

having a system is not about impressing the girls. its about out bumping the next guy with a nice system. whoever wrote that needs to get it right.

obviously whoever wrote that had some serious tension built up.

"Boom cars"

rofl. i have a boom car.

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 2212
Registered: Jul-06
u mean having a boom car doesnt increase my coolness or let me get girls...oh man, thats sad, thats what i did this for...hahaha that person is a d0uche out the ying yang and shuold be shot on the spot.

Silver Member
Username: Gh0st_31


Post Number: 142
Registered: May-06
that was hilarious. haha. I love my boom car

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

KY More Wang Th...

Post Number: 3215
Registered: Nov-04
"If you see a car audio shop opening up in your community, organize with your neighbors and stage a protest. Make picket signs and send a media alert to local newspaper and television news outlets so they can cover the event."
Luis, i agree with what you said about this.
Why put them out of a job. I mean my God, some people complain about how lazy people are for not getting a job. Well what if they want to go in business and go to car audio and ppl like that shut it down. There back to where they started.
just what came to my mind lol.

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Fi Audio BTL

Post Number: 9074
Registered: Oct-05
he didn't mention fi so i am okay. my lungs aren't gonna collapse. gotta becareful with those sonys X-plod casue their slogan is disturb the peace. not to mention it can make your lungs collapse.

Gold Member
Username: Alias747

Eclipse Ti, MN

Post Number: 1860
Registered: Apr-05
I wouldn't be surprised if that was a "hoax" article written by a person that likes car audio. Like he did it just to make fun of people that are like that. I guess I would just like to believe that people don't go around and say boomcars and boom equipment. But hey you never know...

Bronze Member
Username: Snarl2004

Post Number: 28
Registered: Dec-06
ya and how came up with the title?

"Boom Cars"

Never heard anyone say it that way be4. Kinda lame if u ask me

Silver Member
Username: Gh0st_31


Post Number: 145
Registered: May-06
my grandfather calls it "Boom Speakers" maybe its an old person thing?

Silver Member
Username: Gh0st_31


Post Number: 146
Registered: May-06
i was looking through that site and found this in the Neighbors section. "Most municipalities view noise complaints as a quality of life issue, but for people exposed to noise on a constant basis - it is a form of assault." ASSAULT!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Dmm2005

DD Audio ORION, Warren Count... USA

Post Number: 406
Registered: Aug-06
its bull...i wish i had an email address for them so everybody could send pics of their "boom cars" lol

Silver Member
Username: Dmm2005

DD Audio ORION, Warren Count... USA

Post Number: 407
Registered: Aug-06
and why not put a 9918z or somethin thats not rediculously overpriced if they want the baddest sub out there
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