I was turning the low pass filter from off to on and the switch got stuck in the middle. The upper right hand corner heats up in about 5 seconds (i turned the car off after that) and the light around the logo flickers. Its a memphis 16-MCD1000... no warranty yeah, im pissed
Go to a reputable car audio shop and see if they can take pitty on you and fix it for a gimme.
I would also look in your local yellow pages for audio repair shops or electronic repair shops, or Tv repair shops. Last but not least, look up memphis online and contact them. Ask them to hook you up with someone near you that is an authorized Memphis dealer.
I m not sure if you are mechanically inclined, but it may be that you can open the amp and try to dislodge the swith yourself.
Hey Colby, I have that same amp I need to get fixed RIGHT NOW! If the amp is outta warranty, you will have to pay Memphis $150 to get it fixed. That covers repair, shipping it back to you, and I believe an extended 1 year warranty. Call them and verify, it's been 2 months since I've called them, I've forgotten what they told me! lol But those amps are pretty good, get it fixed asap...I'm tryin to do the same to mine!