well im in a jam kinda...i just got a new car, its a 1991 Pontiac Firebird Formula and i just sold my 1996 grand prix,i had one 12" mtx 9500 in the prix and i had a box that i was building for a new sub that was 4.0 cu. ft tuned to 35 Hz and i was planning on putting a 15" BTL in it..well scrath that idea beacuse that box is WAY to BIG for my new car.............
SO, no more MTX 9500 because it sucks and has no sq watsoever and it to big and balky, and no more 15" BTL..i am going to downsize i think a little...and the thing is i want either one or two 10's or MAYBE one 12"
This is wat i have in mind so plz help me out if u have any other suggestions or comments:
three 10" kicker CVR's two 10" kicker CVX's two 10" Kicker L7's one 10" Fi Q or 12" possibly one 10" memphis mojo
well the CVR's are loud and they have the most surface area out of them. The mojo can get hella loud, and on a few occasions, i saw that it gets louder than the btl on half the watts but cant handle as much watts as the btl can.
alright well out of my list wat do u guys think...i no some of u said the CVR's...but wat about the CVX's, dont they compare to the L7's except circle.i mean i kinda want to try kicker...and Fi possibly, so im kinda wondering about the L7's or the CVX's
HD3 FTW!!! :D. I just got done playing a 30hz-50hz test tone and hehe I love it! Sounds really good to me and really loud! The sq is good enough for me since I haven't heard real sq so this is the best sq I have heard thats this loud. If I heard a really good sq system then I would be like this is ok sq, but since I haven't its good enough sq for me....for the moment