Ported vs Sealed


Bronze Member
Username: Arwlacrosse182

Post Number: 12
Registered: Dec-06
I am getting 2 12" typer R's in my 4runner. Sould i get a ported or Sealed box? What is the difference between the two?

Silver Member
Username: Bump05

We Stay Fly, 18 SX USA

Post Number: 636
Registered: Aug-06
id go ported 1.5-2 cube each tuned to 38hz

Silver Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 484
Registered: Oct-05
ported, sounds better louder deeper.

sealed, not as much of each things ported does - for type Rs, i would only go sealed if there was a room issue. PORTED FTW

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 4154
Registered: Feb-05
ok first, you need to determine what the speakers are made for.. not all drivers work in both box types.
you need the TS stats 9should come with the subs, or download the tech specs from their website)
and calculate the EBP
here's how:

Efficiency Bandwidth Product (EBP)
EBP = Fs / Qes
50 or less = best used in a sealed enclosure.
50 - 90 = flexible enclosure options.
90 or greater = best used in ported enclosure.

very simple calculation.

Silver Member
Username: Trey4sports

Post Number: 196
Registered: Sep-06
hey mo i was just wandering, if a sub is rate at say 48, does that mean there is a smaller gap in loudness going from sealed to ported in that driver whereas if you go from sealed to ported with a driver thats 115 there is a much bigger gap?

Silver Member
Username: Mvplefty12

Pinellas, FLA America

Post Number: 408
Registered: Mar-06
Alex... You should do 1 15" Type R in the 4 runner... I know a guy doing 142.1 db with a 15" R in the trunk of his car. Definatly port whatever you get though... The 12"s I'd tune them more around 34hz then 38, the 15" I'd do 32hz

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 4155
Registered: Feb-05
for the 12" subs, go with about 1.5cu ft per sub for sealed, and 2cu ft per sub if ported.
ported, tune the ports to about 35Hz, using 4" inner diameter ports. (tuning the ports is done by adjusting their length. Remember to allow for speaker (and port tube volume) displacement when calculating the box dimensions for interior volume.

3cu ft per 15" sub, 6" inner diameter ports, one per chamber.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9656
Registered: Aug-05
MO and the EBP FTW
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