k i have a few questions as i dont know much or anything about batteries, all this yellow red kinetic... whatever
1. is a normal battery bad when used with a HO alt?
2. if no, what is a good battery to use (please not something ridiculously priced like the K 2400)
3. also if no, can i keep this one under the hood and run the new one in the back - vice versa
4. thanks for actuall ylooking at this and spending time helping me, even tho like no1 looks in the accessories forum and i will never receive a reply, and if i i do it will be in a week, /rant.
You can use a normal battery with HO alternator. If you plan on listening to the stereo with engine off, then yellowtop(deepcycle) can be a good investment. If you want to use 2 or more battery, get an isolator so that the batteries get charged properly without killing your starter battery.
Any car audio shops or eBay. Don't go cheap on isolator. You get what you pay for. Also match the current draw with isolator's rating. For example, if you need 200A, then look for 200A isolator.
Also note that with a dual battery set-up you should always replace both batteries at the same time. So replace the existing battery if you add another one. This is what I use at my shop. It works better becaue you dont get any voltage drop like in a isolator.