New member Username: NarcissusPost Number: 2 Registered: Oct-06 | What kind of amp is needed for a 4-ohm sub (12" Kicker L7)??? |
Silver Member Username: 2pacalypse1971Sandusky, Oh Post Number: 195 Registered: Jul-05 | an orion 1200d in which you can get one from me for $210 |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2181 Registered: Feb-06 | amp that'll do 750wrms at 2ohm. |
Gold Member Username: Van_manBoston South, MA Post Number: 1120 Registered: Mar-06 | You want to put @800-1000wrms in to it. They can run it no problem. That^^^Orion amp would work well, Its does 725 at 2 ohms rated, and probly more. A lot of ppl use a memphis 1000 on em too. |
Bronze Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 87 Registered: Oct-06 | i was just lookin through this and i was told that the L7's cant take that much power. is that true cuz my buddy just got some 12 L7's and needs an amp. would a zx1500.1 be too much for them? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2245 Registered: Feb-06 | i wouldn't put to much more than there rms to one, they tend to blow really easliy even at there rms. |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1225 Registered: Oct-04 | i heard that the newer models were supposed to be able to take more abuse, but i dunno. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3259 Registered: Dec-05 | they handle some power but what i really hate is the cone, they always crack. |
Bronze Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 91 Registered: Oct-06 | so you probably think taht it will crack. or would it be fine. they are the new 2006 L7's almost brand new. |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1237 Registered: Oct-04 | don't worry about them cracking. juliob probably hasn't even seen a L7. (maybe in a picture) |
Bronze Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 93 Registered: Oct-06 | so with about 800w rms to each wouldnt do anything to them? they can handle it? |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1238 Registered: Oct-04 | that would be perfect. just make sure that you don't clip them. set the gains properly and you will be okay as long as your alternator can supply the needed current. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3276 Registered: Dec-05 | lucas, you owned them and you don't know that kickers l7s cone suck! they always tear. I think you should never help here, cuz you obviouslty don't know your setup you idiot. 750-1000w rms is fine to that sub. Dumb |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1243 Registered: Oct-04 | juliob thats right. i used to own them and i abused them and they never tore. have you ever seen an L7 in real life or are you just going by what people tell you. you shouldn't belive everything you hear. see the difference between you and me is that you assume and i know by experience. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3281 Registered: Dec-05 | i've seen cracked l7s, a lot of them on stores, yeah they pound and they're very cheap, and you can't talk about assuming things cuz you think lanzar optidrive line is bad and you haven't tested them, but i have done it, and for the price they do the work, like l7s. There are better, but for the price, is hard to find. I've heard 6 15 l7s in a comp here and it was loud of course, but NO SQ AT ALL. |
Bronze Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 100 Registered: Oct-06 | so it would be ok to have 750-1000 goin to the sub. how should i set the gain?? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2261 Registered: Feb-06 | you set the gain to match the preout voltage of your head unit. personally though i wouldn't give each sub much more than 750-850wrms max, even though there the new ones. |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 102 Registered: Oct-06 | so would a zx1500.1 produce more than that or should i be good?? |
Gold Member Username: Van_manBoston South, MA Post Number: 1163 Registered: Mar-06 | FYI, I was putting close to 900wrms (882wrms)on my single 12" L7. I had/have no problems with tearing, or bottoming out. As long as your not clipping, it will be fine. But it would take a clean 850 comfortable. |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2263 Registered: Feb-06 | no, if you have one sub that's dual vc 4ohm you'll want an amp that'll put out the power you need at 2ohm. that amp puts out 1500wrms at 2ohm, it'll blow that sub real fast. get a kicker 750.1 if sticking with kicker. |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 104 Registered: Oct-06 | ok well my friend has 2 L7's that are 4 ohm. would the zx1500.1 not work with them. i can imagine that he doesnt want to hook up 2 amps. and i yes he does have a ho alt. |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2264 Registered: Feb-06 | if you have 2 dual 4ohm subs you'll want to get an amp that runs at 1ohm. i would try a sundown 1500.1. |
Gold Member Username: Van_manBoston South, MA Post Number: 1165 Registered: Mar-06 | For 1 sub. 750-850 for 2 subs 1500-1600 Depending on the voice coils, that 1500 may work for 2 subs if they are duel 2 ohm subs. if not, forget about it. If they are duel 4 ohm subs, you need an amp that does ~1500 at 1 ohm |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 105 Registered: Oct-06 | well i have a question for my subs.. i am getting 2 fi ssd's. should i get them dual 2 ohm cuz i already have a zx1500.1 amp. would those subs work with the amp?? |
Gold Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 2265 Registered: Feb-06 | yeah a pair of dual 2's will work. |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 110 Registered: Oct-06 | i was just told to get a pair of dual 1 for that amp?? which one should i get? bassman3 told me to wire them dvc 1 ohm into a series to get a 2 ohm load |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1248 Registered: Oct-04 | phillip you could get either dual 1's or dual 4's to get a 2 ohm load. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3293 Registered: Dec-05 | lucas, he's getting two. He needs 2 dual 2 ohm subs. See, everything you say is wrong lol! stop posting. Bassman knows a lot and all that stuffs, but when it comes to DVC configs hehe, he fails a lot. That's weird but true. |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1253 Registered: Oct-04 | ya, my bad u want dual 2's. oh and Juliob STFU. |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 3304 Registered: Dec-05 | but i'm right so STFU, you don't know what you're talking about! |