The A8000V is just the newer model of the same amp. Other than that I think they are pretty much the same. You are still getting audiobahn quality mind you...
Don't knwo about the bass boost knob, but why would you want one anyway? Bass boost is rediculous in my opionion, it just makes your bass peaky and has a MUCH better chance of clipping the amp. Why use it?
sorry to hijack your thread, but i just got one off ebay, untested (yes i knew i was taking a chance) well i hooked it up, it lights up and everything but it stays in protection mode, and ideas what might be wrong? oh it's the A8000T. I didn't try to hook up both my subs, only one 4ohm sub, didn't work so i just gave up for tonight will try again tomorrow. Don't know if this info is important but i noticed the high level imput looks burned. PLEASE HELP GUYS