That amp has 2 out puts to make it easier to wire subs, but is internally bridged. The "d" in 2500D is the give away. You can wire that sub up for either 2 or .5 ohms. Does that amp support .5?
that dude B ran his on 1/2 ohm but it pulls ALOT of current so 2 batt apart from ur engine batt to that 1 amp should keep it well powered (provided that u upgrade alt/big 3)......
Its not recommended for .5 ohm, but It may do it for a while., but that amp does 1700 @ 2ohms. If it was my 2500D I would run it at 2 ohms. and get another sub that will utilise that full 2500 @ 1 ohm. There are some great subs that will handle 2500. Ask around.
but for one sub i dont think it would work to hook an 250d to each VC on the sub because you only have 1 set of + and - on the amp and you would need SVC subs i believe. im pretty screws up right now so correct me if im wrong :P
well I ran mines @ .5 ohm daily, and could put my cheek against it.... after the end of the day...
for competitions it does down to .34ohms... for burps, 1-10secs long...
further more, modify it and it will accept voltages more than 16v.... then hit it @ .7-.5 ohms and it wakes up like a fresh sunday morning... it will do near 4krms, most get about 3800rms...
I keep repeating this same story^^^^^^^^^^^ I wont anymore...
that amp just need as many batteries as u can to back it up, I wouldnt even use 1 without 2 batts..... .5 daily do atleast 3 GOOD batts!
1 @ .5 is almost as strong as 2 2500ds... they just wake up under 1...
Yea, the 2500D is amazing... A guy here locally has one powering two Eclipse Ti Pros and it's insane the amount of power they put out. But he's also running ~16 volts...
I got 2 of those running my DD9515 and one battery Kinetic, well i need to get another battery coz the kinetic 2400 isnt enough for 2 of those but they really bump. I hit 150.0 with this setup. Great amps. Now im lookin for a 2 channel one.