ok i went to a local car shop today and they had a ported box for 12 and stuff and i can't build boxes so i was just goin to buy one, but i got 2 w3's and i asked him what the box was tuned to and he dind't know, but he said it was prolly around like 45--50 hz, and he said this was recomended if i was to port the w3's, i wanted to go like 32hz or something, but im not sure...so shoudl i get the box that is 45hz or what...i thought tha was a little high
no! they'll sound like shi_t that high, unless you don't care. i had a pair of w3's ported at 32hz and they were nice. he's just trying to make a sale.
is there any way that you can tell what a box is tuned to based on the length width and height, i know you can determine how mnay cubic feet it is but as for tuning, is there anyway because on ebay they have a bunch of boxes but none of them tell what it is tuned to...thanks
the tuning frequency can be calculated out on paper but its not a tiny formula. it involves the port area and lenth in relation to the enclosure's volume. just google ported tuning frequency formula if you wanna check it out. but i doubt any pre-fab boxes on ebay will list the port area, length, and enclosure volume. your best bet, as always, will be to have a custom enclosure built for you. good luck