Well I've been running my system like this for a while but the distortion is killing me. My factory stereo was a monsoon with a factory amp but seeing as I have a new H/U the gains should be matched, well not with a factory amp. There are no gains. So my question is how do I lower the voltage going into the amp? Is there a solution besides me getting an aftermarket amp and soon after some new highs and mids because the new amp would toast the factory setup.. lol? Whatever it is it needs to be done because after 25 no the music distorts horribly unless i set both treble and bass in the negatives.
You don't have to get an aftermarket amp, you can just bypass the factory one and use the head unit's internal amp to power the factory speakers.
There is no way to modify the volume input on a factory amp(without excessive modification of course), especially considering you're using the high level speaker outputs from the stereo as inputs to it. And considering how poorly they're made anyway, I think you'd be benefitting from bypassing it.