Fiberglassing Question


Bronze Member
Username: Gsxjimmy328

Oklahoma City, OK USA

Post Number: 54
Registered: Jul-06
Ok so i've kinda decided that i'm kinda tired of boring square boxes and i'd like to go with a relatively simply fiberglass box, i've never worked with fiberglass but have been reading up on it... It really don't seem all that hard to me, but I don't have a lot of time to work on it, and it seems fairly time consuming. Soo I went and got a quote but they told me $500 & well theres no way i'm paying 500 for a box.

I'd like it to be pretty similar to that box, just facing more towards the back rather than up & built to spec of course.

So my question is for all you fiberglass experts, should I just ahead and try it? Any tips or tricks for me?

Thanks a lot

Silver Member
Username: Frkkevin

Denton, Texas US

Post Number: 334
Registered: Nov-05
its not all that hard.. build your rings and amp rack out of mdf and secure it to an mdf frame.. basically consist of the bottom frame and your rings and rack.. make sure its secure, not loose... stretch some thick fleece over it all until you can't stretch it any more and staple it to the bottom frame. then just resin over it all.. let it dry and sand down the high spots. if you want to paint it sometimes a light coat of bondo after the first step of sanding is a good idea. ive done a few and they are not all that hard but take your time and do it right. don't rush it

Bronze Member
Username: Gsxjimmy328

Oklahoma City, OK USA

Post Number: 55
Registered: Jul-06
alright, thanks for the advice. but how hard is it to calculate your dimensions? I want like 1.10 cubic feet per sub

New member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 8
Registered: Feb-06
Generally, fiberglass boxes are sealed because ported boxes rely alot on internal volume. Best way to calculate volume thought would be to fill it with something and measure the amount you fill it with. Like say packing peanuts or something. If you have to high a volume just nail some chunks of wood inside. So basically I would design big because too big is better than too small.

Heres what taught me to to fiberglass

and another very good read

Ive done it Myself and it's not hard to have a functioning box, I personally find painting it to be the hard part. Getting that show-car-smooth finish takes alot of effort.

Bronze Member
Username: Gsxjimmy328

Oklahoma City, OK USA

Post Number: 56
Registered: Jul-06
thanks a lot. Those links are very helpful.

I'm still not 100% sure how to figure out how big to go though, I guess i'm just having a hard time picturing how big 1 cubic foot is, i dunno.... i might just be retarded

Bronze Member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 15
Registered: Feb-06
If you want fiberglass, I would say go with a sealed box. A sealed box can be off by alot and not have an audible difference.

What kind of speakers/subs are you putting in? A 1 cubic foot box is pretty small. The ported one for my 10'' Diamond D3 is like 3 cubic ft.

It all depends on what you are going for though, a smaller box is going to give you tighter punchier bass and not the ground shaking bass that some like.

Bronze Member
Username: Gsxjimmy328

Oklahoma City, OK USA

Post Number: 57
Registered: Jul-06
Yea, of course i'm going with a sealed box. I was just reading that a sealed boxes size can be off by as much as 20% before hearing an audible difference so that's good to know I guess, I thought i had to get it right on.

I'm gonna be running two Cadence triplex 12's. I know 1 cubic foot is small but I was talking to a dealer that says he's installed a lot of them and like 1.15 cubic feet before displacement sounds really good. i think it ends up being like .96 per sub.

& you comparing a 3 cube ported box isn't really relevant is it? Ported boxes are usually a good amount bigger if you want it them to sound right.... correct?

Bronze Member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 19
Registered: Feb-06
Yea your right it sort of isn't relevant lol but, bigger will be louder to some extent.

If a dealer says hes done them in 1.15 then I would definitly take that to heart and do that.

Bronze Member
Username: Gsxjimmy328

Oklahoma City, OK USA

Post Number: 58
Registered: Jul-06
yeah my thoughts exactly ;o)

I'm still nervous about the whole fiberglassing thing though lol I'm sure it'll take me 100x longer than someone that knows how to do it and if it turns out to be sh*tty i'll be pissed. I kinda wanna do it to learn though. Right now i'm thinking i'll just do a boring "normal" box so I can get the subs in and then just fool around with fiberglassing till I get comfortable with it. Blah

Bronze Member
Username: Bayrent88

Post Number: 12
Registered: Jul-06
do yall have any more links to those fiberglass tutorials. i want to learn more about it

Bronze Member
Username: Riskyb

Post Number: 37
Registered: Feb-06

Whole forum about fiberglass and interiors.

For real though, it isn't hard to make a fiberglass box. The problem is painting it lol. You better devote some time to sanding it down to like 400-600 and work well with bondo or rage gold if your gonna paint it.

Ive never used vinyl so I don't know how hard it would be to finish it that way.

But yea, I just called an autobody whole sale supply shop and bought two big packs of fiberglass and a gallon of resin.

Glass was 13$/packet
Resin 20$ a gallon

Bondo was 20$/gallon
and if you want to be a fancy pants
Rage Gold was 30$ a gallon

All I need to do is paint it.

Here is a pic of it before I start any glass or resin:

After glass and resin and before bondo:

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 8757
Registered: Jul-05
gr8 link u posted man ........Upload
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