i was just wondering what the difference is between component speakers with separate mids and tweeters and 2 or 3 way speakers with the mids and tweeters mounted in one? i know the tweeter can be moved to wherever you want and cant with the other speakers. theres also the cost difference. is there a difference in sound quality? if so, why?
almost every time component setups sound better not only because you can arrange the speakers in better accoustically correct locations but they have cross-overs to direct each hert to the speaker designed for it. 2, 3, and 4 way speakers either have poor built in cross-overs or none at all
o i c. thanks. I was looking at some Infinity 6.5" speakers on ebay and didnt know wheather to go with the 3-way speakers or components. I think to save some money i wont get the components, i can always upgrade later.
can you recommend any decent component speakers that arent a lot of money? im doing alot of work on my car so ill need money for that. i might buy off ebay or an online store.. any ideas would be great, thanks.