I just installed an Alpine MRP-M450 and cannot get any sound out of it. It is connected to a brand new Pioneer deck (4800) and running 10" subs. I have checked all the wires repeatedly, and have even replaced the amp (thinking it was bad). Still no sound. I had an amp pushing the same exact speakers before, so I know they are good and that the wiring for the amp is good.
Is there something special about hooking up an Alpine amp? The power light comes on...but no sound. I've replaced the RCA cables...so that's not it. I have no idea what the problem could be. It makes absolutely no sense. There's only 3 damn wires...ground, power, remote. I don't get it.
Well, only hooking up three wires could be a problem. How about the speaker wires from the subs That should make 5 wires, hopefully you just forgot to mention those...
Check your REM, I had that problem for awhile until I checked my REM and saw that that was the problem. Even if it seems like its secure, check it again! If that's not it then maybe the wires connected to your subs came loose.
I'm in the process of rewiring everything; mainly cuz it's the only thing I have left to do. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something blatantly obvious that I was missing...haven't hooked up an amplifier in several years...wanted to make sure nothing has changed.
I'm gonna run a new power wire and see if that fixes it. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something (cap, ect..) that might be required for newer amps to work. What is so frustrating is my old amp used to work...now with the new deck it doesn't...very strange.
I've tried all the deck settings...and all 3 preamp outputs...nothing. Very wierd. I miss my thump...music without subs is damn boring.
Oh yeah, I remember when I first hooked up my Pioneer deck. I bought it about a month ago and when I put it in, I wasnt getting sound from my subs either. All I had to do was go through it and switch the subs to 'on'. But since you said you've been through your deck a ton, I'm sure you woulda messed with everything by now.
Turned out to be the damn power wire (from the battery). It was only slightly corroded, but that was enough I guess. The annoying thing is the power light of the amp was turning on before....it just didn't have anough power to kick the amp completely on. It would've been nice for the manufacturer to not have the power light come on unless the unit was fully functioning.