I think I am gonna have to get a different amp...I just noticed a couple of things about the one I have (its a Visonik 350 watt amp, dont remember model#) . 1>The LOW PASS FILTER only goes as low as 50hz
2> and this probably has to do with the LPF not going lower, but when I play music that doesn't contain a lot of bass, some of the sound comes out of my subs. SO .... does anyone have or know of a good, low priced amp to replace mine. Oh and since it will probably help, the subs are Alphasonik Q-Reference series 10's SVC. I'll post the wattage for the subs a little later thanks
No, I unhooked the rear speakers when I hooked up the amp...and I see people on here a good bit talking about lowering the LPF to 30hz or 38hz, because thats what their subs and box are tuned for. Thats why I thought maybe I should get a different amp
If a song is playing and there is little or no bass in it, I can pop my trunk, and hear some of the music coming through the subs. Not real loud or anything. But enough for me to hear it. Now if the song has lots of bass, I guess the bass overrides everything, because I don't notice it then.
i know your exact problem. just hook your rear speakers back up. after you hook them back up, there wont be treble at all that comes through your subs. then change the LPF to around 70 or so.
a lot of the time, unhooking your rear speakers, will send treble, or mids, from the music, to your subs, which is really bad.
NO,box is not ported, is just plain old store bought box. and I don't want to hook up my back speakers. If I do that, it seems that my rear speakers interfere with my subs and cancel them out somewhat. In other words, my subs dont hit as hard with the back speakers hooked up.