Im looking for a decent buy cheap AMP to power 2 Kicker CVR's. Someone suggested it to me, but i asked another friend and he said it was complete trash. Let me know your thoughts.
Puts out 800 real watts, quaility is another issue, but for the price $120 on ebay, its hard to beat...It would work great with ur cvr's, just make sure u get the 2ohm version of the cvr's
with the 4ohm model you can only wire them in 1 and 4ohm, but if you get the 2 ohm model you can wire them in 2,.5, and 8 ohm, and since the amp you looking at isnt 1ohm stable you need to get the 2ohm version.
Thanks alot, I havent yet bought anything as of now, but am waiting for my money order to come through on an airsoft gun i just sold, but as soon as i get it i plan on buying the subs and this audiobahn amp. I dont know a whole lot at all about installation and wiring, so it will probably be a long frusterating journey! Also wiring will be a bear, cuz my subs are in the trunk, and the back seats dont come foreward!! ARGH! Any suggestions about wiring on a 1994 Acura Legend?
thats a great little amp i had it pushing two alum12n subs before i sold it and it was pretty damn loud. but the best part about it is the $120.00 price tag