New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I have just purchased two pioneer premier Tsw3004spl 12's. I am piecing my system together one at a time and i dont have a ton of money to spend on an amp i was looking at the lanzar 286vibe 2channel 4000 watt amp but ive heard that lanzar is crap but the price was lookin mighty nice. If anyone has any suggestions for a good but reasonably priced amp i would greatly appreciate it. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 7260 Registered: Jul-05 | budget, and vc configs |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 5 Registered: May-06 | vc? |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 705 Registered: Feb-06 | they 2ohm dvc or 4ohm dvc model? |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 6 Registered: May-06 | 4ohm |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 706 Registered: Feb-06 | budget? here's one that'd work: temZ9733482759QQcategoryZ18797QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 707 Registered: Feb-06 | also, your alt. big enough to support your system? |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 7 Registered: May-06 | that says 650rms at 4ohms is that good? and about the alt im not sure i didnt even think about that. So that lanzar is no good because im looking for something a little cheaper. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 817 Registered: Oct-05 | lanzar "268" 2000 watt amp is great. I have mine powering my cvrs and it pumps em. Check out my vid at, scroll down to kicker on the left, go under solo baric l5 and youll see Tj cvrs or whatever. N e wayz great amp got mine for $150 with shipping. Puts out 900 rms a lil over 900 but im not exact what. I gotta say thanx again to juliob and opti for tellin me bout it. Get it and wire ur subs series together then put both parrellel to bridged. O sup ctmike. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 818 Registered: Oct-05 | Hey tj (lol)peep out my vid and tell me what u think. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 819 Registered: Oct-05 | Wire each of ur subs vc in series, then wire both subs together in parellel. |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 8 Registered: May-06 | thats tight man, so tha amp will push my 12's im a newb at this so im not sure how to wire them parallel and that stuff if you could explain that to me. |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 9 Registered: May-06 | UB-AMP_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ38638QQitemZ8069563084QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW will this amp do i havnt heard anything about it and ive been trying to find out about it. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 821 Registered: Oct-05 | ok not sure where the guyz get those pics from but ill try to explain on here. Series both voice coils: each speaker has 2 neg.(black) and 2 pos(red) which = 2 vc. on each speaker put a small wire from 1 pos to 1 neg and then youll be left with 1 pos and 1 neg. Put the pos thats left to the pos of ur amp and the neg thats left to the neg to ur amp. Do that to both. Than at end run both pos from each speaker that were left to the pos on the amp when bridged and then the neg. Tell me if u understand or not. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 822 Registered: Oct-05 | I was gonna get that one instead too but it doesnt put out that power. Opti said 2 different lanzar 268's were benchtested and both did a little over 900 rms i think it was like 923 or sumthin. So if i was u id get the 268 cuz i know it puts out that power as u can see in the vid it pushes my kickers very well. O welcome to ecoustics |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 823 Registered: Oct-05 | 923 watts rms bridged at 4ohm load. |
New member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 10 Registered: May-06 | thanx i thnk i understand and for the price that amp sounds good to me so that means the 12's will each have 900rms or together? |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 708 Registered: Feb-06 | you really think that amp is going to push his 2 subs, each with 750rms rating? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 7261 Registered: Jul-05 | lol, dont get a lanzar piece of Whats ur budget |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 825 Registered: Oct-05 | together bridged rms. It should for now till he gets more money, better subs, and upgrades. |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 11 Registered: May-06 | around 200 for an amp |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 709 Registered: Feb-06 | a little more but maybe closest you could get on that budget: C3&socmd=ListingItemList&from=R2&satitle=&sacat=18795%26catref%3DC6&fsop=2%26fso o%3D2&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=&a14=34544&a31300=313 55&a10244=-24&gcs=1548&pfid=1906&reqtype=2&pfmode=1&alist=a14%2Ca31300%2Ca10244% 2Ca3801&pf_query=&pf=Show+Items&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=62450&ftrt=1 &ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi= |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 826 Registered: Oct-05 | Hey Chauncey dont be hatin cuz im brown! For $150 its a good deal. Tj if u got the money go for the amp that ctmike posted. I just listed this amp cuz i have expierinced it and for the price its awesome im just tryin to hook him up w/ sumthin cheap w/ decent power. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 7264 Registered: Jul-05 | ouch,,,,,, quick question, why would u buy subs, u cant afford to power????Can u take them back, there not that good anyway |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 827 Registered: Oct-05 | True True^^^^ |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 12 Registered: May-06 | couldnt i jus buy two of those lanzars? or start with one then get another when i get the money and could someone explain how to wire them parallel i almost got it lol. |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 13 Registered: May-06 | what are better subs then |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 711 Registered: Feb-06 | almost everything else! what you willing to spend? |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 14 Registered: May-06 | and eventually i planned on getting a better amp when i get the money and what is wrong with these subs please tell me cause i heard some good things about them, but im up for suggestions. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 829 Registered: Oct-05 | I hear pioneer subs are just spl and no sq. Ya u could just buy 2 268s but beware man they are huge. If u do buy 2 though u may have to upgrade on ur electrical system. 1800+rms. |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 712 Registered: Feb-06 | they'll get loud but sound like sh!t. and i've been told there really not well built and don't hold up well. so what's your budget? |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 15 Registered: May-06 | i want a the best system i can buy for 600$. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 830 Registered: Oct-05 | parellel is when all the pos are put together and when all the neg are put together.(not all the negs and pos from ur subs though just the ones left). |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 16 Registered: May-06 | i heard with the right box they sound pretty good even though thy are spl subs. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 831 Registered: Oct-05 | 268, either 2 12" kicker cvrs, or alpine type rs or im sure these guyz can name way more. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 832 Registered: Oct-05 | Theyll sound really good to u if ur just a hardcore spl man in the right enclosure. Ya i hear they are poorly built too. |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 713 Registered: Feb-06 | few cheap setups i found on ebay subs $197 ($46 shipping) mZ9731732295QQcategoryZ18803QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem amp $264 shipped mZ9731553894QQcategoryZ18797QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ------------------------------------------- subs $194 temZ9734091736QQcategoryZ39777QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem amp $248 shipped emZ9730944360QQcategoryZ18797QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 17 Registered: May-06 | so the pioneers are that bad. I mean yeah i want something thats gonna turn heads but not that sounds horrible and from some shops here in town they say that pioneer has been their most problem free sub. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 7265 Registered: Jul-05 | get 2 rlp's and run any good 1000-1200rms amp, u will be satisfied |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 18 Registered: May-06 | never heard of those. |
Silver Member Username: CtmikeCt. Post Number: 714 Registered: Feb-06 | |
Bronze Member Username: GangstafertPost Number: 19 Registered: May-06 | well looks like i have a decision to make thank you guys for all the help. |
Gold Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 1040 Registered: Jun-05 | here you go on how to wire them. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 1380 Registered: Oct-05 | is it better to splice the wire into 2? or just cut it in half when u are connectin the pos ^^^^ just wonderin on how u do it... |
Gold Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 1047 Registered: Jun-05 | It's better to run whole wires from the VCs to the other VC's, then whole wires to a small distribution block, then one wire to the amp. |
Gold Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 1048 Registered: Jun-05 | It's better to run whole wires from the VCs to the other VC's, then whole wires to a small distribution block, then one wire to the amp. |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 833 Registered: Oct-05 | Thank u Seth for posting a pic! I dont know where the hell to find em. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 1392 Registered: Oct-05 | wut do ya mean whole wires? do u mean like, if u had a 10 ft speaker wire, you cut in inhalf so you have 2 5 foots. and do it like that? because their still whole... |
Gold Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 1057 Registered: Jun-05 | What I mean is dont split wire, ever. Even if you electric tape it up.. It's just not the best idea. Whole wire as in.. Dont split it down the middle, run it with it's original insulation. |