Silver Member
Username: Talon_es93

Post Number: 195
Registered: Mar-06
the other day i was hookin up a system in dodge magnum wagon.. it was a P1 12" and a p2002... it had the stock stereo so the try it out i backed up my suburban to it and used my RCA cable commin from my stereo... but when i turned it up a lil bit the sub would cut out.. the only thing i could thing of was the wire being to thin b/c it was like a 16 guage...was i right or could it have been comething else?

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1520
Registered: Jul-04
wiring could be an issue.

power in his car may not have been able to handle the power the sub wanted from your rca cable and system causing his amp to shut down.

Silver Member
Username: Talon_es93

Post Number: 196
Registered: Mar-06
well i told him to go buy a thicker wire for his ground n power....least a 8 guage since the amp ain't that big

Silver Member
Username: Talon_es93

Post Number: 198
Registered: Mar-06
and i also tryed out the amp in my father in laws durango and it pushed his type-r just fine with out cuttin out

Silver Member
Username: Ironslave

Offutt AFB, Nebraska U.S.A.

Post Number: 470
Registered: Sep-05
poor Ground MAybe?

Silver Member
Username: Matt12490

Benicia, California USA

Post Number: 779
Registered: May-05
wait, so you are saying he tried to use 16 gauge for his power and ground?
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