OK, so I was totally sold on running three JLw3's on my Mtx thunder 942 but after talking to a guy at a local shop, he told me that he would go with the D3's over them any day with that amp. He said that the D3's when put in the perfectly tuned box will sound better and pound harder. He said that the w3's looked great and sounded good in almost any application, but if you build a box for the D3's they will sound much better. Is this true? What do you guys think of Diamond audio? I really need to know what you guys think because this is the last thing that I need to figure out before I finish my system in time for the summer. So, who would you go with JL or Diamond and why?
He swears by them! I was a bit taken back by his comments too. He says that he has a builder that does installs there that is so good that he is willing to let me get a box built to specs for the D3's, buy the JL's from another shop and then bring them to his shop to compare them to the D3's on that amp in my car but I don't think anyone would let me buy JL's from them and then return them the same day.
look listen carefully, do not ever let anybody compare jlw3v3 to any other subs that has the same watts of it because jl is one of the best sounding subw out there but its expensive though thanks