Problems with speakers????need help??


Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 120
Registered: Mar-06
aight i have a blazer reular stock set up but the cd player its a shitty blaupknt that came with the blazer.

know i cant get to much sound out of them, barely anything, sometimes nothing but cracking and like the sh** you get with a bad radio station sshshhchch. yeah evens does it with the cd player
what the fu** is wrong with it. is it the speakers or the head unit.

also it was my sisters car before but anyways when she had it up loud sometimes it like a noise similar to hitting metal with hammer. some what like that then she would turn it down a little then it would go away.

hoped that helped , so what is wrong with it, what do i need to do.

Silver Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Chicago, Ill Us

Post Number: 403
Registered: Feb-06
buy a new head unit

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 121
Registered: Mar-06
i dont want to do anything and buy something, and find out that that wasnt the problem..

i mene im getting a new head unit anyways (most definetly) but not right know, haas anyone every had this problem before in there car

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 123
Registered: Mar-06
come on does anybody know about car audio in these forums. i dont think anybody does jesus christ , this is what the forums are ment for.


Silver Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 201
Registered: Feb-06
think you should take lilrob's advice and get a new hu. kinda hard to tell without seeing/hearing it.

if you had stuff installed, but it worked fine at low volumes like you said it did before, i'd take it back in and have them check it out if you can't figure it out. maybe they messed it up, but it sounds like you need to break down for a new hu. but if it's all stock, i'd replace the speakers to.

Silver Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Chicago, Ill Us

Post Number: 408
Registered: Feb-06
i think u need to buy a jl audio clean sweep or maybe the cdplayer is conected to the speakers and the factory amp is giving powwer to the stock speaker so that cause the problems to have alil bit of sound and super crap nosise and make my speakers sound shity i think the loudest note i was doing was like 30 db if ur blaunkput theyr are not to shitty is puting power to the stock speakers and the factory ampo is poutting power too it can make it sound like craop or make a weir noise like the radio station it happed to me with my explorer but i fix it with some help of this foroum to find the factory amp it was in the back

i dont think buying a head unit if this is the problem can work first check ur fatory amp that is not pushin power to your speaker with the head unit pushin power too the nif the problemis still happening buy a head unit and check ur ground and 12 volt cables and your att that they are not touching the chassis of your head unit

Silver Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Chicago, Ill Us

Post Number: 409
Registered: Feb-06
i had the same problem with a sony amp that my came with my explorer

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 125
Registered: Mar-06
thanx finally

yeah over this weekend im ripping it apart and finding out the problem (and yea i guess i need to start early on getting my stuff i wanted to save more money but i guess not.) Stupid radio LOL and 1 more question

i want to put 2 infinity kapp 6x9 in the door in the back of the blazer and the stock size is 4x10, do u think i can cut a bigger hole and it will be able to work.

has anyone cut before

and over the summer ill get some pictures when it is all done my plans are
to get one 2 15in RE's dont know which ones yet either sx,mt,or the xxx 2005 models.
preimer deh680mp
infinty all around components in the front and the 6x9s in the back
HO alt
yellow top battery
probaly hifonics amps (unless any other recommadations)

and help choose for RE's too

Silver Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 204
Registered: Feb-06
you should be able to cut and make room for 6x9's if you know what your doing. never done it myself but it's possible if you got the room.

personally i would just get good rear speakers and save the best for the front, not big fan of rearfill. i'd get really good components for the front and get enough power to them so they can keep up with the subs. spending tons on rear speakers will just be a waste, imo, cause they'll be drowned out by the subs, just get good ones to balance it out.

and don't, unless you can't afford it, put hifonic amps on really good subs. if you're going to get good subs get some good amps to. and if you can get the sx's, i asked about them too awhile ago and seems everyone said they'd be great choice, unless you got the $ for the xxx (wish i did).

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 127
Registered: Mar-06
05 model shipped for 1 15in with dual voice coil how much $400 $500 something like that(and im getting 2 15in RE's)

and then what amp should i get to push them (2 channel amp)

o yay and wouldnt u think this could bet a guy with one 15in L7, or another with one orion H2

because there like i never heard of RE they s*ck, my subs are all that. blah blah blah i just cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 206
Registered: Feb-06
what's the rms on the 05, they 2000wrms? and how much you looking to spend on the amps?

and i would say they should definately beat the one l7 and the orion.

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 128
Registered: Mar-06
1600rms for the 05 xxx <(WANT)
sx is 1000rms
and mt doest say

probaly no much more than $700 (2 channel)maybe a little bit more depending how good the amp is i want to match the RMS

Silver Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 208
Registered: Feb-06
if you get the sx get a nine.1 for each, there 1200wrms @ 1ohm and should be a good match. and brand new there $350, so 2 would be perfect with your budget. but i can't remember what the voice coil is of the sx, might want to check.

Silver Member
Username: Extremesound1

Coventry, RI United states

Post Number: 129
Registered: Mar-06
im looking towards the XXX 05 and i want two channel because im already using another amp for the speakers.

i dont want 3 amps, i wouldnt be able to drive the car lol.i woould but i dont want to take that much power to the car even with the HO alternator.

unless u really think i can do it.

Silver Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 212
Registered: Feb-06
it'll be hard to find one amp with that much power to push both those subs properly. i'd get two, but it's up to you. if that is your budget than you'd definately have to shop around online and might have to get hifonics. i wouldn't but again it's you system, either way should sound great.
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