ok so before you guys get mad at me like ive said before ive been out of car audio for a while and i have a quick quesion. how would a 10 or 12W6 would stack up against 2 12 type r's. also the w6's are 1000wrms correct? ive also heard they are better in a sealed box. is that true. any help woulod be greatly appreciated.
between the w6v2 and the tyrp r i would go for the w6v2 i believe the r would be louder but the w6 would beat it in sq and the w6 and w7 the w7 is a sql driver and the w6 is a sq so the w6 will sound better and the w7 gets louder but still sounds good.
the type r's would stomp the jl in spl.. the jl of course will have more sq.. and yes they work in very small enclosures.. keep in mind u can buy 3 type r's for the price of a w6.. w6 might be a good choice though, very nice sub just wont get as much spl out of it,, depends what your after? also the more power you start running the more chance u will have to upgrade the vehicles electrical system
and also my thinking was that if i got say 2 or 3 R's, i would stop there until i decided to get different subs, but if i got the W6V2, since they take relatively little power and space compared to other woofers is when i got some more money i would buy another with another amp. so i guess what i am getting at is how would 2 12W6V2's compare to 2 12 Type R's? thanks in advance
A W6v2 will get just as loud as a single Type R, if not a bit louder. But, you can get two Type Rs for the price of a W6v2, so if you want loud there's your choice. But you should be able to hit 140s with a W6v2 as long as you set it up right, and it sounds a good chunk better than a Type R.