ok, I just installed 2-10 inch Alphasonik Q-Reference subs hooked up to a Visonic 350 watt amp. I put this in the trunk of my 2004 Dodge Neon..now here's the questions.
1-I first had one Visonic 12-inch sub hooked up to the same amp... but the 2-10's hit harder..is that normal, or does it have something to do with the brand of sub.
2-With the 12 I couldn't turn up the amp all the way, but with the 2-10's I can...I guess this is really related to the first question.
and the final question... 3-I have a decibel meter...before I added anything, my stock stereo would hit around 122db...with the 12 I was able to get it up to 125db and now with the 2-10's I have hit 128db...would this be considered good for this system? I really like the way it sounds, so it really doesn't matter that much, just am curious.
oh, and one more thing...I unhooked the 2-6x9's that were in the trunk as part of the stock system. and that actually did make it seem to sound better... maybe they were cancelling out some of the sound from the subs, if thats possible... so to recap, I still have the stock HU and front speakers, the rear speakers have been disconnected, and I have 2-10 inch alphasonic subs hooked to a visonic 350 watt amp. I would like anyones input on what they think of this...I know its low-end...but it does sound real good...my stock 6x9's distorted too much when I turned the radio all the way up, but with what I have now, I can crank it up all the way, and no-distortion...wooohooo!!
oh yeah, and for those who put down alphasonik and visonik...I know they are not that great... but they did the job for me and will do for a temporary system till I can save up for better.
man 2 10 are louder than 1 12 and have less wight makin them move easily.
and dude i got a single 18 sx with two sonys old p5 amps running the sx and pushing like 650 it supposed to push 800 but i dont think sonys can put wat they supposed to push and i hit 139.8