RE 36.1


Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 606
Registered: Aug-04
anyone ever heard of this amp?? not the 35.1 but a 36.1. i bought one off of ebay and the guy said it was one of maybe 3 made by RE, it is a prototype, or was. its a couple of years old. 1800 watts RMS @ 1 ohm.

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksburg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 371
Registered: Aug-05
dont see much bout it though darn pics to big /media/1/DSC01960.JPG&imgrefurl= %3Fimage_id%3D240&h=262&w=349&sz=109&tbnid=rg5do5eZFDdzAM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=116&hl=e n&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dre%2B36.1%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D
long url aint it lol


Silver Member
Username: Nemen

Post Number: 621
Registered: Dec-05
WTF theres a 36.1 thats crazy lol

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 607
Registered: Aug-04
dude thats it, i never saw that pic. the box the guy had in the pic said 36.1 prototype. i cant wait til it gets here. ill post pics and all kinds of stuff about it when i get it. but its weird cuz i never heard of ir before. marshall white said he heard of a 35.1, but not the 36.1 i cant beleive i stumbled upon this.
i even called RE to make sure it was real and they said yeah.

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 617
Registered: Aug-04
ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just found out it came to my house today. holy sh!t its authentic. but unfortunately its missing a set screw for one of the speaker out terminlas. o well home depot has that, that aint enuff to to keep me down. cant wait to tell yall how it sounds.

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 1507
Registered: Jan-05
awsome, if its anything like my 12.1 it has awsome build quality, btw what subs are you running off of it.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2556
Registered: Mar-04
great to hear Johnny.

did that orion amp die on ya or is it still working?

he is runnin 1 12" XXX (2005 model)

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 619
Registered: Aug-04
marshall the orion is fine it must have heated up too much and kept goi in and out of protect mode. but i let it cool off and it works fine.

now to the 36.1, im actually not that impressed, i yhink the orion hit harder at lower freqs. that intelliQ on the orion made all the diff in the world. but hopefully ill be happier wheni get my 200 amp alt.

i did notice that the 36.1 dosent drain my voltage as bad.

im also gettin some more audio control signal processors so maybe that will help.

the orion is sold so i have to stay with the 36.1 for now no mstter wut.
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