hey pelon don't forget mikechec, james longo, rovin, optidriven, and seth lowe.
Unregistered guest
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The whole reason I startsd this post was because I Think GlassWolfe is the most knolegable person on the forum, and yes there are some other very smart people . I would also like to thank everyone else like rovin, optidriven, Ty Mutlow, issac,chauncey,cadillacdb and there are others I am forgetting.Thank you all except Pelon he's an @ss hole
I aree with neber on some things and I think I know where he is going it seems he means well and Glass Wolfe does know his shiz but a lot of otheres do to now I am not threading neber but I would like to thak all of you also he11 when I found this site I did not even kknow what an ohm was.
Glasswolf is very knowlegeable, and everything he says makes total sense. I think most engineers can agree with him, cause he explains in both engineering terms and lamans terms. =D If the engineer explains it, you guys wouldnt understand. So be thankfull to Glasswolf!
Alot of the guys who know their stuff, have alot of hands on experience. I just give my 2cents from my degree & experince when I can, and so do some of the other guys.. Check my profile out.