To much power?


Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jan-06
I have two perfect 10 subs, rated at 350 rms each. Is 850 rms to much for the pair. Thats 425 each" can't I just turn down the gain or is it going to distort?

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 652
Registered: Sep-05
nah, ur fine......just don't get freaky with the volume. I have REF series subs that's rated at 300wmrs, and they can easily take 400wrms.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 39
Registered: Jan-06
Thanks, do you know anything about kenwood amps? there is one for $160 that puts out 850 watts rms @ 2 ohms.

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 656
Registered: Sep-05
Kenwood is basically a budget brand. Chances are, it's over rated and won't put out the full 850wrms @ 2ohms. The audiobahn A8000T is a good budget amp that will put out 800wrms @ 2ohms, and it's only like $160 or so on e-bay.

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 657
Registered: Sep-05
btw, I wouldn't recommend that amp if you have more money. Again, that audiohahn and kenwood amps are strickly budget gear. If you can, get a kicker, alpine, mtx, RF, etc.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 41
Registered: Jan-06
I have the audiobahn a8000t and it is the worse amp. It doesn't push 800 watts, if it does i have big problems, my subs sound like sh!t when it's turned up half way, and it's not out of phase. The kenwood is cea compliant, so doesn't that mean it's really pushing 850 rms?

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 662
Registered: Sep-05
do you have your gain adjusted right and wired properly? There are many people on this forum that uses that amp and actually had it bench tested to put out 800wrms @ 2 ohms, or awful close to it.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 43
Registered: Jan-06
I had the wireing tested to make sure i didn't F it up. the only other thing it could be is the box, it's a sealed box with .75 cf and the subs call for .60 cf. they are under the seat in my dodge ram quad cab. but that shouldn't make that much of a differance right? when the subs hit even at low volumes they bottom out and sound hollow. thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jan-06
what amp should i use? I like the kicker 650.1 and the 600.1 and they just came out with the 750.1. but they are a little on the high side. but you get what you pay for.

New member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-06
A little overhead is never bad as long as you know what you're doing with it. I wouldn't slam your gain to the right and have it at 100%. Maybe go 45% and thats it. You'll need to listen to the sub at different volumes and see if at 45% it struggles or distorts. Also watch out and don't clip it. I have a CC-D1200 that gives out about 1300RMS@1ohm on my Mag and my Mag takes it fine, i've let it run at full gain for 30secs. but its not too safe to do it like that.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jan-06
is there a difference between a/b and class d? my audiobahn is class a/b and most nicer amps are class d, is there sound differance?

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 665
Registered: Sep-05
class d is more efficient that class a/b, but that's not your problem. I have both amps, class a/b and class d. I don't notice no difference between the 2.

BTW, what is your gain set on? It sounds like you have it set way too much, that's why your subs are bottoming out.

The Kicker 750.1 would be a sweet amp on those subs, but however, you should get MUCH better performance out of that amp then what your saying, providing that the amp is wired properly, gain set right and in good working condition.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 46
Registered: Jan-06
I wired the + from one sub and the + from the other sub and put them together into the mono amp, same with the -. I'll try turning down the gain. maybe theres something wrong with the amp/subs? thanks for your help!!

Gold Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 4741
Registered: Jul-05
luke u must have messed something up because the A8000T puts out 800 rms period

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 50
Registered: Jan-06
I don't know man, I'm going to check it again. thanks for the help guys.
BTW chauncey, thats a nice setup you got there.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 52
Registered: Jan-06
could it be the ground wire, thats the only thing i haven't checked. although i thought that it was either grounded or not. "work or don't work"

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 667
Registered: Sep-05
are those subs DVC subs? Can't recall if they are or not. Best thing to do is go to this site and see if you wired them properly: =Dual+Voice+Coil+-+2+ohms+x+2&image.x=25&image.y=8

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 54
Registered: Jan-06
they are single 4 ohm, I have it wired like option 1. The only othere thing I can think of is were the subs are. They are under the seat in my truck, so they are in the open. Would that have anything to do with it? it's a sealed box.

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 673
Registered: Sep-05
it should be fairly loud inside the cab of the truck. Like I said before, how high up do you have your gain??

Bronze Member
Username: Ruxpin20

DeTroiT, MIchiGan

Post Number: 70
Registered: Oct-05
your gain should be matched up to the voltage that your head unit puts out! Thats all you need to do.

Bronze Member
Username: Luke5513

Post Number: 59
Registered: Jan-06
I just turned it down and put in polly fill. That seemed to help. thanks for all the help, I would have ripped this thing out with out you guys!!

Bronze Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 51
Registered: Jan-06
if they're SVC 4ohm you have a 2ohm load if done parallel and a 8ohm if done series. Enclosure may play a small part in it, what problem were you having again? Is the box leaking air? From what you had up there it doesn't seem like its the wiring unless your ground on the amp is that bad. I'd suggest atleast 10gauge wire for the ground, 8 is better. You should check the crossover points on your amp and HU. polyfill would not have done anything to make it sound better. Polyfill is to make a box "seem" larger than it is and you already said the box is .75cu ft which is larger than needed already.

As for a/b vs d, effeciency does play a part in it, and alot with the amplifiers usable frequency range and attentuation. A/b class are full range while more likely the D class aren't. They are a few out there like Eclipse that are full range but its very rare. Either class can be used on subwoofers. A/b class amps for subs are typicalley made by companies who are known for SQ amps like Audison, TruTechnologies, and I believe Xtant had or has some. But more often than not, companies stay with D class for more power and the cost isn't as much either.
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