I have only hooked up an amp and subs one time and that was like 3 yrs ago and it was less wattage. Now I am working on my car, and I have 2 10in 1000watt subs and I dont know what type of amp I should go with. I LIKE IT LOUD AND I LIKE IT TO BUMP! I refuse to pay for someone else to install it because I am cheap! LOL There are so many different types out there, bridgeable, and 2 channel and 4 channel what do I do? Im pretty sure I should go with something at least 1000watts right? PLEASE HELP! All help is greatly appreciated, and do you think I should just have it installed at some car audio place? THANKS!
i little more info is needed.. what type of subs are they? what voice coil config are they? dual 2 ohm voice coils or dual 4 ohm then we can figure which amps will work.. you will want a d class mono amp for subs
for starters, she's a girl......Secondly, she may know more than you think, considering that she do have SOME knowledge of it where she done it 3 years ago. She also said she had Magnum subs, not sure what they are.
Is there an RMS wattage output rating. Or is the 1000W the RMS rating? That's what's most important here in picking out an amp.
However, going on the fact they are 1000W MAX, we'll say they are 500W RMS each. This means you'll need an amp capable of 1000W RMS, mono preferably. But before we suggest any, we need your budget.
Ok, listen guys, wait, *.RoViN.* they arent house audio subs, they are for an automobile. Also, it says on the box MOBILE ELECTRONICS.... maybe thats the brand I dont know. But I dont know the rms, it doesnt say anywhere, THERE ARE TWO TERMINALS ON EACH SUB. A friend of mine, is trying to sell me this 1000watt amp and he said it was a 2 or 4 channel or something. SO..... i dont know i think i will try it. But i am very appreciative of all this help from you all! Anything else please keep postin!
its very difficult 2 suggest anything without a model no. usually on a sticker @ the back of the sub Usually most car subs nowadays rated @ "1000 watts" is really 400wrms or less ! . Can u get a meter & check what ohm they are ? Also if u take a pic with a digital cam then we all can get am idea .....