I am purchasing an Audiobahn A8002T 2-channel amp in my car to two infinity reference 1240s. I was wondering what the best way to wire these would be to get the full 300 watt rms out of them. Any suggestions would be very helpful.
ok the problem here are your subs being svc. so u have two choices, wire one sub per channel giving u 200 watts to each. or u can wire them in parallel and bridge the amp, now i dont know how low of an ohm load the amp can take bridged so u risk damaging it. find out how low it can go bridged then decide
Nate Martin
Unregistered guest
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The amp is two ohm stable and can be bridged, but some other guy said that would destroy it (he said it happened three times) but i am guessing his amp is not/was not (lol) 2 ohm stable. The way i think i am gonna do it is bridge it and wire them in parralel which should put them at 2 ohms and hopefully put 400 watts to each speaker (i only need 300 so i won't ever be pusing the amp to far). Right...?