I have 2 kicker L7 12" or S12L7 dual 4 ohm subs that will be wired to a 1 ohm in ported box with about 3 cubic Feet of air space. The amp will be 1 or 2 kicker 1200watt mono amps or the 2500watt amp. Anyways is this the loudest subwoofer to buy for $200.00 and I will have enough amp or amps to push them? I bought 2 12" L7 2005 model for $400, but am wondering if this is the best for the money? I have tried the audiobahn aw1208T's and they suck even though they weigh a lot more, and alphasonik 800 series 12" and they are alright but not as good as L7's. So if you know what is better for the price then let me know. I will buy 2 amps if needed to push whatever subs that fall in this range. It is behind the seat in a reg cab silverado so 15" subs in this ported box is not an option. Thanks
I do know that the L7 is one of the TOP of the list for producing SPL especially in that price range... but how good it sounds at high levels is supposedly questionable.
hope this helps a little. ... I'm sure someone else can be more help, but I'm just putting in my 2 cents. My little brother has one 10" L7 hooked up to a MTX 400 watt amp... and he LOVES IT! I gotta admit, it hits harder than many I've heard, including mine!!! Nice setup, in my opinion. Many may disagree, but I think he definately got HIS money's worth. Definately!
Spring a few more bucks, $220 for a 12" RE SX shipped to your house. Much better sound quality and they get freakin loud. Maybe not as loud as an L7, I've never heard L7 sealed. But Sx's are great sounding and loud aswell.